Evidence that waiters are not always the best advertisement for the places in which they work

A short play, entitled, 'The Most Disgruntled and Lugubrious Waiter in the World', inspired by today's afternoon in town when I went into a local cafe to do some marking. Middle aged woman (MAW): (Settles at table in cafe. Waiter comes over.) Could I have a cup of tea please? Waiter: I'm sorry we don't do cake any more, if you were wanting cake. MAW.: (surprised at the sudden introduction of negative ideas) It's okay. I'll order some lunch in a bit. I just want tea for now. Waiter: (funereal) We used to do cake. We don't now. MAW: I know. I'd noticed. It's a shame. But never mind. We middle-aged woman need all the help we can get to stay on the right side of Sumo wrestler! Waiter: (Completely ignores joke. Is not a fan of stand-up comedy.) I did tell them. I said, 'We'll lose customers if you get rid of the cakes.' And we did. We've lost all the regulars. ...