Reasons why Fran takes longer to cook dinner these days

Location: The Hill kitchen. Him: What are we having? Me: Roast, with those leftover thingies from yesterday, with a bit of .. you know ... Him: Mash? Me: Yes, mashed potato which I thought I'd mix with some ... some wotsit from the fridge Him: What, the butternut .. er ... stuff? Me: Yep. Can you hand me the silver thingybob? Him: This sieve thing? Me: The colander. That's it. Colander. Him: Do you want me to ... to ... sort out the whatjamacallthems? Me: Yes, please. Can you ... Him: Peel them? Me: I'll do the oojamaflips. Him: Okay. Me: Give me one of those knife thingies. Him: A knife? Me: Yes, that one, next to the one we use for chopping all the ... you knows. Him: Vegetables. Shall I check that the ... er .. the roast ... the roast... meat ... is cooked? Me: Yup. Shall I do some thingy sauce, with those Bramley wotsits from the ... you know, the allotment? And on it goes, the Litany of Vagueness that emits now from our thinning, ageing lips as we ...