How I know that travel writing competitions prefer pieces about people who move
Hey, guys, I wrote this account of a recent holiday for a travel writing competition and got zilch, nowhere, nada, no response, not a dicky bird, absolute silence ... not that I'm bitter or anything. I guess one reason it may not have impressed them is that it's really not about travelling at all. Next time I enter a travel writing competition, I must remember that. You might enjoy it, though. And if you were at the Caerleon writing holiday, too, I'm sure you worked harder than this ... Googling ‘Holidays for those who prefer to sit still’ gets me nowhere, as it were. There’s no justice. Even the slothful need to sloth elsewhere occasionally. I find ‘Holidays for the adventurous’ and ‘Holidays for the wannabe naked abseiler’ but there’s zilch for the indolent. Unless … unless … I google ‘Holidays for Writers’. Up comes a Writers’ Holiday held annually at Caerleon College, the University of Wales, run by Anne and Gerry Hobbs. A good omen: the website is rel...