Evidence that Fran has ventured outdoors

I actually went into a field this weekend. What, outdoors? I hear you say. Do you even venture onto the doormat outside your house without hyperventilating and needing to breathe into a paper bag? I hear you say. Don't you feel panicky merely standing near an open window? I hear you say. Well, here's the proof that I braved the elements. I took this photo myself, honest. These are tractor prints, not my footprints. I may be a size 7 but even my trainers don't make tracks like that. And here's a picture of the whole field, although I did send this to my sister and she said, 'You could have taken that while leaning out of a cafe window.' This kind of cynicism cuts one to the quick. This looks as though I was leaning over when taking this. I may well have been, through tiredness. We had walked for 30 whole minutes. What got me into the field, then? No, I was NOT lost. It was because my friend, with whom I ...