Evidence that Fran can find things to amuse her even at hospital appointments

A short play entitled 'Fran goes for an MRI scan' 'MRI, sweet?' 'Yes, my appointment's at 2. Er, honeybun.' 'No, I mean are you here for the MRI suite?' 'Ah, yes. I'm having a scan of my knee.' ' Could you sit over there, please? We'll call you.' 'What will you call me this time? Coochy-coo?' [10 minutes later.] 'Do come through. Are you wearing anything metal?' 'Is my gold-encrusted underwear a problem?' 'You might need to remov -' 'It was a joke.' 'Any metal plates in your mouth?' 'No, my smile is always as big as this.' 'Is your bra wireless?' 'Yes, and I can print from it without using a USB connection.' 'Are you wearing a watch?' 'It's 2.05. Glad to be of help.' 'Please take the watch off and lie down here. I'll give you some headphones because ...