Reasons why Fran won't be going in a certain shop again for a while

In a rush this morning, I left home without having had breakfast. But I pass a bakery on my way to work. Today, there was a display of fresh-baked pastries in the window: almond croissants, apricot croissants, pain au chocolat, cinnamon whirls, all with that come-hither look in their eyes, like the pastry equivalents of George Clooney or Johnny Depp (the difference being that I've never been allowed to bite either George or Johnny). I said to myself, 'Fran. Resist. Walk straight on. You know you said you were determined to -' I interrupted myself, saying, 'Not listening. Not listening. Not listening.' And dashed into the shop before I could reply. 'What can I get you?' the shop assistant asked. 'Can you get me a body like Cara Delavigne's?' I said. 'We have none in stock, I'm afraid,' she said. 'In which case, I'll have three of those almond pastries and give up the fight,' I said. Actually, that conversati...