Why I wear lots of make-up when I'm shopping

It's depressing. When I walk through the shopping centre these days, people giving out certain kinds of leaflets ignore me. They are people publicising the following:

beauty treatments
the local club scene
the gym
baby equipment
sports cars
shoes with high-heels
singles holidays

However, people advertising the following thrust their leaflets into my hands, coming up really close to do so just in case I can't manage the two yards to where they are:

Saga holidays for the over 50s
incontinence aids
plastic surgery
exercise classes (gentle)
clothes made of nylon
wider-fit shoes
anti-wrinkle creams

Today, in town, I rebelled. A girl was giving out leaflets for a local dance centre which is holding free classes. She walked straight past me and was giving out a leaflet to someone younger, fitter and leaner, when I tapped on the shoulder and said, 'Excuse me, but could I have one of those?' She did give me a leaflet, but the look she gave me said something like, 'She probably wants it to pack her shoe with some folded up paper now that her legs are uneven due to an arthritic condition'.


  1. The Count likes your blog...4 stars!
    Back in the dark ages the Count had a number of wonderful English teachers and still remembers them fondly. However,his
    tastes ran to doggerel, nonsense, and
    fun with words.The Nietzsche quotation is particularly apt now in America. I owe a great debt to Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain and many others like Gertrude Stein who said, "There ain't no answer. There ain't going to be any answer. There never has been an answer. That's the answer." Check my feral syntax at
    www.countsneaky@blogspot.com. Best wishes. Count Sneaky

  2. Hi there! I picked up your blog via The Coffee Shop and visited. I totally understand your situation about feeling ignored. I wrote a similar post: When Did Old People Become Invisible? (10/17/08) If you'd like to check it out my blog is http://gaf85.blogspot.com
    Best Regards.

  3. Thanks for your comment, gaf85, and for picking up on my blog. Yes, your blog post on invisible old people rang some uncomfortable bells ...


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