Er ... woss goin' on?

You may, my friends, have noticed
Some changes goin' on
'Cause this blog is now Being Me
And Being Miss has gone.

S'a very long long story
And as I hate to bore
Let's leave it just at that.  I hope
You'll like Me even more.


  1. I noticed, and then the link was broken, and I was WORRIED.

    But I'm glad you're still here and still posting.

  2. Moptop! Yay! You're the first person to comment on the new Me. Oh yes, I'm still here. I just don't know what the hell I'm doing in terms of changing my blog address, keeping in touch with previous followers, how to let people know, etc etc. Stabbing in the dark here, but, hey! You found me!

  3. Phew! Tracked you down at last. You'll have to better than that to shake off the 'followers'.

    Being Me sounds like a good way to go.

    By the way, your word verification is HYMNI. You haven't joined a religious order have you?

  4. Would this mean you are now admitting to being Missus, as opposed to Miss? LOL! Your humour will give you away, wherever you wander, m'dear!

  5. Martin - sorry! I can see you all dressed in black, tramping over mountains and hills to get here, like the Milk Tray man. How did you? My humblest apologies - I'm kind of in the middle of trying to let people know where I am. I just don't know how ...

  6. Jinksy - I'm trying hard not to admit to much at all. This is the problem! Thanks for chasing me down, however it happened.

  7. I put my lawyers on the case (Savage & Crangle). They hired a retired police inspector, Reg Purdy, who tracked you to Grimsby where you had boarded a tramp steamer.

    Whilst you were esconcing yourself in the captain's cabin, Reg offered his services to the Ship's Cook.

    It was a rough voyage - and I'm paying Reg double for his troubles.

    You alighted at the Port of New York, hot-footed it to Central Station where you boarded the night train. Once over the Canadian Border, you double-backed on a Greyhound Bus crossing the Mexican border a mere 1,700 miles later.

    Using a combination of ass, scooter, jeep and Chicken Bus, you arrived in Panama City.

    Why you couldn't travel by CANOE like a normal person is beyond me.

  8. Why I couldn't have all those adventures and NOTICE like a normal person is beyond ME! Thanks, Moptop. Appreciate all the efforts!

  9. I was panicking there! I lost your comment on my post, then when I tried to find your blog it said the link was broken. Anyway, here you are :-)

  10. I've come via your comment on my blog. Now I'll have to try to get to you by Moptop'scanoe. Let's see if that works too.

  11. right, this is the second attempt.
    the Being Miss changed itself into Being Me on my dashboard and I am still in your followers. Did the first attempt at commenting go through?

  12. What problems this creates. I can't say Dear Miss any more. It'll have to be Dear Me from now on, which will get confusing, but I will persist because you're worth it, Me.

  13. Eliza - yes, the link to the old blog should be broken. Hopefully you have a new one. Thanks for persisting.

  14. Hi Friko - you're a gem. And, yes, you're here twice. So the link still works. I don't think I've done this properly, but I'm glad you found your way!

  15. Deborah, I think 'Dear Dear Me' would be very appropriate for the mess I've made of all this blog changing. But thank you!

  16. Oh just a little PS ....the comment form is right opposite the book review for Donna Tartt. Involuntary snorts overtake me whenever I see 'Donna, Donna speed up the pace a bitt'

    And just last week I was at a used book sale in Provence, of all places, I mean an ENGLISH used book sale, and there was DONNA TARTT. Not in person, but on the cover. And I just started laughing uncontrollably. Everyone wondered. Your fault, Me.

  17. Being a Blog Guru is so very hard at times...but you do it very well....keep it up !!

  18. Deborah - that's you and me both, then, laughing in bookshops. Usually, my laughter is the mad, hysterical laughter of the insane as I pile book after book into the basket, mocking anyone who dares to suggest that there may be a limited budget ....

  19. Jay - Blog Guru is such a hard thing to say. I've been sitting here in front of my computer trying to say it properly, pronouncing both the Gs ... BloG Guru - without blending the Gs together making it Bloggeroo.

    I really must go and do something useful.

  20. Just wondering about the changes you've made, Fran, and whether your followers are getting the updates that you have a new post. Although I was still there in the gadget, I didn't get a notification that you had a new post. Did you change your URL as well? I assumed you did, so thought I had better add the new URL to my blog list.

  21. Being Miss will not be missed
    But that is just because
    Being Me is now in place
    Where Being Miss once was.

    Thanks for stopping by and letting me know, Fran, and good luck with the new look!

  22. Thanks, Stan. Love your little poem, and the fact that you bothered! Take the 'Nice Person of the Day' award.

  23. Hi Deborah - I'm not really sure how to redirect people. I know there's an option to leave your old URL up with a message to say 'here's the new URL' I don't really want to do this. I'm gradually getting round regular followers to let them know they need to replace their link. I hope this is going to work! You're kind to be concerned. Let me know if adding the new URL works so you get new posts.

  24. Fran, yes it did. You're kind to be kind about my habit of trying to solve other people's potential problems. Had to restrain myself mightily from doing that to my daughter this morning.

  25. Yes, I was worried as well.

    I thought maybe you shut your blog down and went on the road in search of George Clooney.

    This means I must update my blogroll. You know how incredibly lazy I am...

  26. Amanda - when I change the blog name to Being Mrs Clooney, you'll know what's happened.

  27. Fran, changing a blog name is one thing, but a sex change is an awfully radical step.

    Google tells me I'm following "Being Me" but your new posts haven't come through. Hopefully the wrinkles will shake out in a few days. As for the beard, that's going to take some getting used to.

  28. Mark! You astound me! I have a BEARD? Why did nobody TELL me?

    It's my favourite photo of myself. You can't complain. At least it's a proper photo rather than the Being Miss drawing of a teacher stolen off Google Images.

    I think you may have to de-follow and follow again if you want to. Or something like that. Sorry to be a pain. Take pity on a bearded lady.

  29. am I late? did I miss a meeting (or should that be: Did I 'me' a meeting?) what with me missing miss and the miss 'me'ing, the oMISSion of the miss and the eMErgence of a me, it's a bit hit and miss... and no miss-take

  30. Hi Fran, or Me. :)

    I wasn't getting any updates in my 'Blogs I am following' bit, so I un-followed and then followed you again, and now all is well. Just thought I would let you know in case anyone else is having problems. And good luck with the new-look blog / name!

  31. brokenbiro - I love this kind of word play! It speaks to something deep inside me. Probably a 3 year old Me.

  32. Jayne - thanks so much for this. I think un-following and following is the only way. I know I'm being a pain. Apologies to one and all ...


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