Evidence that Tony Blair should just have got one of the kids to take the picture ...

Blurb on back cover ...

In Blair's long-awaited political memoir, read about the most complicated journey of his life.  Was it his 'I caused a war' journey?  No.  Was it his 'I said I would help the poor but didn't' journey?  No.  Was it the 'I intended to improve the country's economic prospects but ... er ... forgot' journey?  No.

No, the journey of his life started at the hairdresser for a trendy crop, then to the tanning salon for that 'private island' look, then to the funeral parlour to borrow the shirt, then to the specialist contact lens shop to make his blue eyes even bluer, then to the photographer, who asked him to take just one final step to the left so that he could be slightly off-centre for the book cover, then to stand on a step so that the bald patch at the top of the head wouldn't show on the picture.  (That was the photographer's story, anyway ...)

Blair's journey from ineffective PM to ineffectively-photographed book cover.  Read all about it.


  1. Yay! Tell it like it is, Miss! LOL

  2. Well it makes up the set with Cherie's doesn't it? The high point of crassness is Leo's conception surely.

  3. Where is Cherie's head? It's usually attached to his shoulder via her temple in every other photograph of Tone that I've seen.
    Anna May x

  4. Ah, 'The Journey', as undertaken by a man of many hats. I wonder which one he's talking through in this book?

  5. What? No Hollywood Smile?

    I'd sue.

  6. Your analysis or Mr. Blair's journey is very funny. But would you agree that he was easily the best actor we've ever had standing-in for a PM?

    Thank you for following my Very Silly Blog. Followers make the writing worth while.

  7. I'm guessing you don't like him? For us Canadians, he seemed a lot nicer than the Bag Lady, except he was way too nice to George W. We didn't like that.

  8. Bellinda8/3/10 05:12


    Good post Miss

  9. I'd rather not, thank you. The photo tells me all I need to know.

  10. Jinksy - I do, I do!

    Von - yes, sometimes people just give TMI.

    Anna May - ah, THAT must be the bit they airbrushed out!

    Martin - I'm intrigued - I will read it, I think - I reckon it will be a bestseller, just because of curiosity.

    Moptop - yes, no smile at all. In fact, he looks like he was just about to say something. 'Can I take these contact lenses out now, please?' probably.

    Doctor FTSE - Thank you for dropping by my Very Silly Blog too.

    Deborah - oh, he's NICE all right. In fact, sexy, a lot of British women think. There's something about him definitely. But sometimes nice became smarmy and slimy and that was too much.

    Bellinda - thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Rachel - yes, I have to say, I'm confused about the cheekbones/bags under the eyes thing. Which are which?

  11. Oh dear, I do wish I didn't think this was true. I hate admitting to the sad, resigned, cynical extent of my disappointment.

  12. elizabethm - nah, just admit it.

  13. Forgetting about who he actually is, I think it's actually quite effective. It's a very sincere look (which is what he needs, considering that most people accuse him of lying), plus the non-smile hides the yellowness of his teeth, which were actually rather white in 1997. And, they've managed to make his ears unnoticeable enough to make you wonder what the cartoonists exaggerate them for.

  14. I don't have the words to accurately express how much I *hate* that horrible man. His memoirs should have been written from a prison cell.

  15. Hillel - yes, you're right about the teeth. I'd forgotten that.

    Urban School Teacher - I think that's what's called a fairly extreme view. I think he'd look quite good in a shirt with arrows on instead of a black one, though.

  16. Ouch, a touch bitter. But he's sincerity personified compared to Dave. Now there's a man who's got smarm down pat. Gimme Gordon any day

  17. InvisibleWoman - Yes, you're right. I would also rather take Gordon than Dave if we're talking people. I always think to myself, who would I rather have round for tea? And if I had to choose between the two (otherwise it would be George Clooney) I would take Gordon.

  18. Botox. You forgot the botox...

  19. Ah yes, Amanda - or might that just be airbrushed smoothness? Whichever, that's one hell of a forehead he has there.

  20. Anonymous31/3/10 05:46

    On book covers - from the same shelf http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Spoken-from-the-Heart/Laura-Bush/e/9781439155202/?itm=1

  21. See what you mean, Martha. Same close-up. Same sincere look. All I know is, no one's getting that close to me with a camera unless they promise severe and thorough airbrushing ... Thanks for following. Nice to have you on board.


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