Evidence that the words 'fashion' and 'sense' don't always go together so well

RSI or no RSI, I have to speak out.

I saw someone wearing a pair of these today in my local High Street ...

and I'm very sorry if it's high fashion and all that, but  ....

surely nobody who's been a mother and dealt with kids in nappies (diapers if you must ...) can see this and think anything other than what I was thinking -

Lie down on this plastic mat, dear, and we'll have you sorted in no time.


  1. Really?? Really?? Who in their right mind would wear these???

  2. I thought exactly the same thing - that truly gives off the 'recently pooped' look

  3. They are f#($ing hideous. An elephant has better taste.

  4. But you didn't say it out loud , did you ?

  5. KarenG - people say the same about 10 inch heels, padded shoulders and knickers on the outside, but who gives a damn these days, it seems?

    Annie - or even 'not that recently, but not dealt with'.

    Maddie - you mean that grey wrinkled outfit thing? I agree, I agree. Better that any day.

    SmitoniusAndSonata - no, but I really, really, really wanted to.

  6. Carrying a load. I think that how I remember that style.

    Thanks for the laugh.

  7. I wonder if anyone has modelled these for an unsuspecting partner, only to rush from the room declaring, 'I've changed my mind, I'm taking them back. They are too tight around the thighs anyway'.

  8. Why am I being so stupid? What are they?
    You see, here in the wilds where I live high fashion is green wellies and
    rolled up cords and a sleeveless fleece. Have there been any developments?

  9. Maybe it's a way of smuggling an extra person into the movies for free?

  10. LOL!

    I'd have gotten the giggles if someone passed me wearing those.

  11. Was it a shoplifter?

  12. Honest to God I don't get this trend. Even my daughter, who's a trained fashion stylist, doesn't get this trend.

    To date I haven't seen anyone outside a magazine actually wearing them - the fact that you have is Very Worrying Indeed.

  13. You're a big tease. First you said you wouldn't be here, and then you turn up in those!!

  14. MidlifeJobhunter - I think this person is carrying a load of ideas about fashion they should offload.

    Martin - anyone who does wear them should change their minds right away, that's for sure.

    Friko - I think they are called harem pants, presumably because you can carry a whole one inside them.

    English Rider - That is such a good idea. It's almost worth buying some to try it. Then again, perhaps nothing is worth spending money on a pair of leg tents.

    WW - I didn't get the giggles, but I couldn't help staring, and I think she noticed.

    Steve - another great idea! How many washing machines and tumble driers you could get home unnoticed!!

    Karen - in which case, Be Worried, Be Very Worried.

    Deborah - I never said I wouldn't BE here. I said I wouldn't be able to spend hours and hours and hours reading other people's blogs and leaving very silly comments, which may be something to be grateful for. I'll try and keep posting very silly posts, though. Some things can't be held back.

  15. Those are awful...i hope i don't start to like them when they are no longer in fashion, which i often do with clothes....No i don't think its going to happen with those xx

  16. Alexandra - don't let it, don't let it.

  17. Not only is that one of the weirdest items of clothing I've seen, but... it's hideous!

  18. Ahem! I think these might have originated in Thailand - at least SE Asia way. This type of 'fashion item' has been sold here for as long as I've been here and are very similar to authentic men's trouser/pants/sarong thing that Thais used to wear. Indeed they still wear in the country...

    I can just about cope with the historial context but fashion? No.

  19. Um.

    I don't own a pair of those.


    I don't.

  20. I found this hysterical. I know I'm new here but I have done several blog posts regarding female attire.

    Thanks for the laugh.

  21. Val - weird, hideous, and about a thousand other adjectives could be applied. But just not 'wise'.

    J J - I think they probably look as 'in place' in Thailand as they look 'out of place' in a Midlands high street.

    Amanda - come on, Amanda. Send us the picture.

    Jules - welcome, welcome. I don't usually post on fashion (and there are good reasons for that - just look in my wardrobe) but this one was asking for a comment.

  22. Scary biscuits.

    (Didn't MC Hammer wear something similar in the 80s?)


  23. Somewhat reminds me of American gangbangers and wannabes who wear their purposely several sizes too big pants halfway down their butt cracks and then have to pluck the fabric like a 19th century lady to walk. Supposedly they have guns in there somewhere, which sounds dangerous in more ways than one.

  24. Suzanne - love your 'scary biscuits' phrase. I'm definitely having that one.

    Sharon - Guns, or maybe whole armies?

  25. Ha ha, I would have had the same thoughts :-D

  26. Eliza - if only the designers had those thoughts too before they sent them down the catwalk and people had to pretend they were just the most amazing piece of clothing ever.

  27. I've never been a mother, but "nappy" was the first thing that occurred to me when I saw the photo. And not just nappy, but full nappy.

    There is, however, one group of unfortunates to whom the nappy-pants might be ideally suited: people with elephantiasis of the scrotum.

  28. Fran, you mightn't thank me for this, but I feel you must see it.

  29. Stan - I have you to thank (re both your comments above!) for the fact that I now have to put a sedative in my cocoa so that I don't have bad dreams tonight.


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