Evidence that I can write a poem about a microwave as well as find old chips in one

How would you feel if you thought your kitchen implements might turn on you?.....

Learn from someone who knows - read my poem, just published on Poetry 24.  If you didn't know about Poetry 24, which publishes poems on topical issues, you do now....


  1. Gadget paranoia. A bad thing to have in the 21st century. The only cure is to go an live in a yurt and milk goats by hand.

  2. "Friendly, like. Benign,"

    Enjoyed that visit. I am not so brave at the poetry thing.

  3. Excellent poem ... but I think you should maybe get some help:-)
    thanks for sharing

  4. So all this time there's been a secret Fran .
    One who writes wicked poems and has a rice cooker called Arnold ....
    And the sackini was your disguise !

  5. Just catching up, after my hols. Really enjoyed your poems on Poetry24.

    Good to have you on our list of featured poets.

  6. It was our very first poem with a microwave in it too! Keep 'em coming!

  7. Watch out, Carol Ann Duffy.

  8. well...
    I have coffee spluttered all over my keyboard and I haven't even gone over to read the poem yet.

    How did I get here? I dunno, but I'm pleased I did!

    Am I the only person who actually thinks the sackini would genuinely work- I get SO cold on the beach without my vest on, and it does look like a warmer fabric.

    Chips in the microwave?
    You'll find if you only clear it out once a month there'll be enough assorted bits in there to make a curry sauce and serve them all with rice (microwave rice of course).

    Thankyou for your slant on life


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