Evidence that spending all day marking gives rise to shorter poems than usual

Monday’s teacher is pale of face
Tuesday’s teacher is slower of pace
Wednesday’s teacher is kind of dragging
Thursday’s teacher is constantly nagging
Friday’s teacher is mean and tough
Saturday’s teacher can’t sleep enough

But the teacher that marks all the Sabbath day
Is a gibbering wreck and deserves more pay ....

Roberta had just sat down to relax, then remembered she had another set of Year 8 books to mark.
  'Fetch me the smelling salts, Cecil,' she called to her husband.  'I do believe I'm about to collapse.'


  1. Tomorrow's teacher, alas, requires an USB port and Bluetooth capabilities...

  2. At least neither Monday or Tuesday's teacher was reaching for mace. Also it is good to know that Wednesday and Thursday's teacher is not sagging anywhere. And that Friday and Saturday's teachers aren't covered in fluff. But the poor Sunday teacher - yes, definitely deserves more pay!

  3. If we join all the dots, does Roberta have a dead duck, by the beak?

  4. And look at me-surrounded by speech critiques and sneaking off to read blogs! I needed your bite-size poem today!

  5. Easter hols and marking?

    Who was it said that with all the holidays, free weekends, half terms and only working half days anyway teachers don't deserve to get paid as much as they do.

    Please don't hit me, Miss.

  6. In your shoes I would be rubbing my hands together in glee at the power I would have over the little darlings and their collective future.
    I would be slashing and burning with my red pen!

  7. Had to read this one aloud to a friend who knows what you're writing about all too well! Sabbath marking? There ought to be a law . . .

  8. I'm all for feminism, but Roberta really wants to get that underarm hair dealt with......

  9. Much sympathy from someone also working all hours a the moment!

  10. Or 'at' even. Quick, get the red pen!!

  11. Ah - but at least you have a job still, unlike me who lost my well paid job in property 2 years ago. I now work from home doing freelance writing but only make about a tenth of the money. Bah! At least the sun is shining so my world is a happier place

  12. A large block of chocolate is a wonderful pick-me-up .

  13. I'm with the above note: chocolate always make me happy again.

    And caffeine.

  14. I read this whilst marking: nearly choked I was laughing so hard.

  15. That was bloody brilliant Fran, man alive you make me laugh!

    Anyhow, I thought you were supposed to be on holiday at the moment. What are you doing marking?

  16. Totally agree!!!! I spent 4 hours at school Sunday - then marked at home *sigh* Why do we love our jobs again??? :)

  17. Yesterday's teacher ( my mum ) got out her Grandmother's deck chair & had a bloody good relax. Then did the prep !

  18. Your work is very neat and well-constructed and you have obviously put considerable effort into it which has paid off. Well done.
    (Don't you ever find that commenting can get a bit like marking after a time)

  19. Ah, how cruel it is to have people assuming you're on your Easter holidays when you still have one day, yes, one day to go before you break up. I am sobbing into my wine with inner pain.

  20. If you'd thought ahead you could have been a gym teacher instead - no homework!


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