Reasons to look carefully through any Tesco bag of salad

Spotted this on the BBC news website.

Reasons to look carefully through any Tesco bag of salad

To be honest, I don't know what the fuss is about.  All the posh restaurants in London are now doing deep-fried tarantula and casseroled locust, after all.

(Don't look up this link if you are currently chomping on a roasted wood pigeon.)

Gerald thought he'd try something else in the salad this time as Rosalind hadn't reacted too
well to the previous day's choice of ingredients.  She was so hard to please.


  1. Now... funny you should mention it!
    (random ! there just for you).

    A friend of mine once showed me a photo of the dish of deep fried spiders she was offered in Cambodia. And to think she could have gone to a UK supermarket.

  2. Do you think that all those mice fit inside each other like Russian dolls?

  3. I've heard of people bringing a dead roach into a restaurant & presenting it to the waiter to avoid paying their check, but at least that was their choice!

  4. Kind of gives new meaning to "organic"... A friend of my dad's once tipped up his beer to take a drink and nothing came out. He lowered the bottle and there was a mouse inside.

  5. This summer I was in an extremely swanky Mayfair restaurant (Michelin stars and everything), and found tiny maggots on my salad. Still makes me shudder now...

  6. You'd hope that Tesco's thorough investigation might be better than their thorough quality control.

  7. Charlotte - did she prefer the leg or the .... or the leg?

    Isabelle - I don't know, and I wouldn't want to be the one doing the experiment to find out.

    I'm Crayon - a rather bloated mouse, I presume?!

    Potty Mummy - had you started eating it? I think that's the worst ... what MIGHT have already happened ... Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    Martin - Hm, yes. They should be careful, chucking promises about like that.

  8. for our Christmas lunch I thought I'd cook a mouse inside a mouse inside a mouse...

  9. I suspect that if you brought the Tesco offer to the attention of Asda, they would offer you a two for the price of one deal : Ahh a mating pair.

  10. Wow. Did they really come pre-sorted by size?

  11. Shouldn't have read that whilst eating lunch. Eugh.

  12. I've served up nothing worse than a snail with my home-grown greens... the French would pay good money for them. Unfortunately my guests weren't French *blushes fetchingly*

  13. Daily contact with toddlers toughens one up no end , given the universal popularity of nose-picking . And pooping . And burping . And flatulence .
    But I draw the line at crispy , crackly salad .
    As chef Michel would say , "This is not Fine Dining".

  14. I don't mind so much if the critter I find in my salad is alive, otherwise I might worry that the salad killed it.

  15. This delight made our local news with moving pictures - well, the bird wasn't moving you understand, it was an ex-bird of course.

  16. Great salad tail, Fran.

    Anna May x


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