Evidence that an insight into others' lives can make one feel inferior

I've been sitting in my living room, by the fire, thinking what a nice house I live in.  I was perfectly content.  Happy with the decor, though it's a little tired.  Pleased with my old radio, burbling away while I mark exercise books.

And then I watched this on the BBC news website .... check out the link.

Proof that I live in squalor compared to these guys ....

Fran started on her campaign to live the life of the more privileged


  1. None of that comparing now! Just enjoy your cozy home and fireplace.

  2. Anyplace that keeps my cotton tail warm and dry is good enough for me.

  3. If you want to feel better, come visit me. I guarantee you won't have to look very hard to find some squalor. You'll have to give me some advanced notice so I can clean out all my projects in the spare bedroom...it's not too squalorish, just cluttered!

  4. Normal for Norfolk!!!!

  5. Yeah the rabbits have got it good but, really, would you want all that sex?

  6. Just goes to prove some folks have more money than sense.

  7. He probably belongs to the Worshipful Company of Master Hutchmakers - and lives in squalor himself.

    I know how much it must hurt, but try not to feel too envious, Fran.

  8. Some people have more money than sense....

  9. I think it looks a little ott!

  10. yes...but all that lettuce...

  11. Well , y-e-s .....
    But who the hell wants to be called Runnie ?

  12. Hahaha, he put pictures on the wall of the hutch! I'm sure the rabbits really appreciate them! What a dick!

  13. Very bunny post,Fran.

    Anna May x

  14. With all those video cameras it had a slightly Orwellian feel to it. All rabbits are equal but some rabbits are more equal than others..."

  15. Alan's right - who in their right mind bugs bunnies? (see what i did there?)

  16. All right, Fran, I know you were waiting for a comment from me before composing your next post. So - off you go.

    By the way, you should see the splendour in which my daughter's guinea pigs live... Not sure that they'll be taking in lodgers but I could ask on your behalf.

    Happy Christmas, in case you don't actually post again before the Big Day. I'm sure you're busy crocheting tree decorations.

  17. Missing you not posting..hope all is well.....have a great Christmas, and Happy New Year too! X


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