Thoughts about breakfasts in guest houses

I have three minutes exactly in which to write this post from a library in Swanage.  We are here on holiday.  Here are my thoughts for today.

1. Eating a breakfast which weighs the same as your own body lessens your inclination to walk up hills to see views. 

2.  Knowing the above fact does nothing at all to stop me eating a breakfast which weighs the same as my own body.


  1. Blimey. They must be putting a lot of fibre into All Bran these days.

    1. I wasn't eating All Bran. I was eating All-There-Was.

  2. Of COURSE you eat it. You've paid for it. I do the same, every time. And regret it, every time.

    Oh, and someone else has cooked it. That's a major plus.

    1. You're right. And washes up afterwards. That's a plus-plus-plus.

  3. Frances has spotted the one great bonus - somebody else got the meal ready! :)

    1. And they did it really nicely. It would have been RUDE not to eat it ....

  4. Avoid to eat fats in breakfast if you don't want to increase weight.
    mommy and me classes long island

    1. Thanks, Johny with one n. Sorry, Long Island's a bit of a bus ride for me.

  5. What's the point of a holiday if you don't do something different? Enjoy it. All your good intentions will still be waiting for you when you get back home.

    1. Yep, they were all waiting in the hall for me when I opened the door. In the hall mirror, especially.

  6. I think that on hols you should enjoy a good fried brekkie that someone else has cooked. It is the only time I get to have anything other than a slice of toast ! But, you should climb the hill and then you can feel that you have worked it off. Maybe?

  7. So Fran, you are a full English?

    Anna May x

  8. It's a sensible precaution .... sea breezes can sweep the Special K tourist aloft in seconds .

    1. Loved this comment. It's such a great imaginary picture, all these thin people wafting along in the breeze above the sea with the gulls.

  9. Go walk off that breakfast while I sit here in my recliner and think about you.

    1. Such a kind offer. I declined and sat on a bench, thinking of you.

  10. How come eating a breakfast like that for 4 days made me put on 3 pounds? But I have to eat a lot, lot less to get it off again.

    1. It's called 'life sucks'. I feel just the same as you. Just not fair.

  11. I eat just about anything when it's free...well, you paid for it, but there wasn't an additional cost. I've even been known to sneek a piece of fruit or some crackers out of the breakfast room to eat later and save the cost of buying lunch. I hope you enjoy your vacation.

    1. Lunch? I really, really didn't need lunch. In fact, some days, I didn't need tea until about 8. You haven't seen the way I deal with free toast, obviously.

  12. 3: asking for extra toast because it is (a) free/included (b) done by someone else, is not a good move if you have to wait half an hour for a couple of slices of an apology for 'toast' to arrive, and then finding that it is cold and anaemic.

    This stupidity of the move is exacerbated by realising that you have about a quarter of a little foil square of butter left to use on the apology-for-toast, and asking for extra and waiting for that to arrive may well coincide with dinner being served that evening...

    1. Ah, now, here we differ. Cold, leathery toast is one of my favourite things in the Whole World. There's a history behind it. I will blog about it sometime.

  13. Go Fran Go! You are on holiday, and the rules on holiday are that there are no rules. So you want to eat your own body weight in bacon, you do it! Bloomin' impressive that is.

    1. No rules? And there was me thinking I had to stop at thirteen pieces of toast! What a wasted chance!

  14. It's scientifically proven that you can't put on weight on holiday. (That's right, isn't it?) Or if you eat while standing up.

    1. I couldn't have stood up for that long while eating those breakfasts.

  15. The nice thing about that sort of breakfast is that you don't need anything until the already paid for tea is served, with cookies, of course.


    1. You're right. All I needed was a sleep, but it was only 9.30 in the morning and a little early for a siesta.

  16. I used to have this theory you should eat everything possible for guest house breakfast as you have already paid for it and it will save you having to buy lunch! Wrong! Don't you find it expands your tummy to such an extent that you're ravenous again by noon?
    And can I just say... Yay for being in a library for your hols! 8-)

    1. To be honest, no. Maybe your definition of 'eat everything possible' and mine are different .... I wasn't hungry until the evening.

      And the first thing I do when I go on holiday is find the library. Then I feel secure.

  17. Hahaha! Have a great time and eat, eat, eat.

  18. I always mean to order the abridged full English breakfast but end up ordering the full Monty !
    My mum always takes extra rolls / croissants etc " for our lunch " Lunch !!!??? After that lot !


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