Evidence that Fran's writing isn't all inane trivialities

There are so few laughs in this that you'll wonder whether you're on the right blog. But I was thinking today about a close relative who died a few years ago and remembering the last time I saw her. I wrote this when I got back from seeing her in hospital. I wasn't in the mood for triviality. (It does happen. Sometimes.) *** I came to visit you in the cancer ward. How I thought my short visit would make up for thirty years of irregular, half-hearted contact, I donāt know. I suppose it was all about guilt. So many things are. You were sitting in a high-backed chair by the bed, fragile hands folded in your lap like still butterflies. As soon as I saw you, I knew your eyes were wrong. They were bulging out and not quite straight on, as though something were behind them, pushing and competing for room. You had a swelling in front of y...