Reasons to just accept things the way they are rather than question everything

It's only 10.30 in the morning and already I have several questions to ask of the world, raised while going through the processes of getting up, having breakfast, reading a Linguistics magazine and using my computer.

Question 1. No one is watching, so why is it still a humiliation to find yourself standing under the shower for three hours holding a bottle upside down so that the last dribble of shower gel becomes available?

Question 2. How can (a) a satsuma and a pear and (b) two slices of thick white toast buttered and then spread lavishly with Nutella BOTH be deemed an acceptable breakfast?  I've just had option (a) and had to have a mug of hot chocolate to make up for the disillusionment.

Question 3. I've been reading a magazine about American phrases.  Why do the Americans call a 'starter' an 'appetiser' when we ALL know what happens after you've eaten that pizza bread and forty-five queen olives and your main course turns up ...?

Question 4. Do I have the right to feel so damned good about myself when my laptop tells me, 'Well done. You have successfully installed Java' when all I did was press 'Next' several times?

Question 5.  Why can't British TV broadcast such thrilling programmes as Norwegian TV does, as described in this morning's BBC news item which you can find here?

I am waiting to see whether the rest of the day throws up quite so  many questions.  If so, I'll be going to bed tonight a very confused woman.

Fran decided not to even START asking questions such as 'Why the stupid Internet cat language?'
 and 'Where's the apostrophe?' 


  1. Replies
    1. You are in good company, though ...

  2. And the French are getting in on the act. have you been watching 'Spiral' on BBC4?

    1. No, I haven't, Martin. Getting in on what act?.... Enlighten me.

  3. Anonymous16/2/13 08:35

    Here, across the pond, we have appetizers, not appetisers, because s's are more filling than z's. That show may just knock "Watching Paint Dry" out of the top spot on Norwegian TV!

    1. Love your comments from acrozz the pond ...

  4. Force the top off the shower gel bottle and rinse it out with some hot water ... you get to feel very moral for not wasting the last bit and you can virtuously moan to the other family members who all left it there with a little dribble in the bottom and started a new one:-)
    thanks for sharing

    1. Ah, you sound as though you have experience of these things ...

  5. Never mind about how Puss managed to have mislaid the rest of himself ...
    P.S. No way is Pizza bread and 45 queen olives an appetiser . It's a Tapa

  6. I try to avoid asking myself questions in the morning. If I do I might stay in bed all day.

    1. In which case, it's jolly well worth trying.

  7. If have coffee for breakfast does that mean I have installed Java too?

    1. Yes. It's safer to have tea and know what is on your computer.

  8. 'tis obviously a foreign Tiggywig from a land where the apostrophe is an abomination used by people who can't speak Tiggywig. Now we need to ask Google Translate to tell us what 'Im Confus' means in English. Could be interesting ...

    1. There's a whole new fairy story in there somewhere ...

    2. oh do, pretty please? There are an untold legion of Tiggywigs across the internet, yearning to have their True Story told.

  9. My questions are simpler. For example, where is my right glove and why does my husband never put his napkin back in the napkin ring?

    1. Has he put your right glove in the napkin ring by mistake?

    2. No. He never puts anything in the napkin ring. Still, what are wives for but to put their husband's napkins in the ring?

      My right glove, however, turned up on a wall outside the fireman's house in the next street, near where I had presumably dropped it. So that was good.

  10. Why did I spend ages putting pretty napkins into pretty napkin rings at the shop only to find someone had taken them all out ?

  11. Seeing how late I am coming here you must have found the answers by now?

  12. Going on from your question 3...I get the appetizer being the entree, but for the life of me I don't understand how their main course is call an entree????? Are they waiting for more or is the dessert so outstandingly magnificent that the main course dulls in comparison?
    and being a Kiwi girl I do get a bit flummoxed when they serve the salad all on its own, (we have it with the main). The poor waiters wait around not understanding why we're not eating it!


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