Reasons why Fran is staying in today

Never mind 'What did I come upstairs for?'  This morning, I put styling mousse on my hair twice within three minutes, having forgotten the first application.  It's beginning to dry now, as stiff as rigor mortis with knobs on, and if I got my hairdryer out, I think I could style it any way I wanted and it would stay like that until September. 

Maybe like this .... with its obvious advantage ...

Fran had found another excellent hiding place for the chocolates her husband didn't know she'd bought

Or like this .... 

'Will people think I look silly with this dog collar on?' he thought.  'I hate to stand out.'

Or this one?..... 

Fran walked into her classroom and the kids said, 'Uh oh.  Bad mood day.  Spit your gum out, guys.'

 I've used hair mousse to 'big up' my short hair since I was a teenager, always having been self-conscious about the paucity of it.  That means I've used enough mousse in my life to style every prairie in North America and, with this morning's effort, perhaps a couple in Canada too.

You can start that stuff too early, though.  

PS  If any of you tried to vote for me in that travel writing competition, thank you so much.  There's a mighty fine humdinger of a furious discussion going on on its website because of the difficulty everyone's had in voting and the way it's been organised.  I took that post down just so that no one else suffered the pain and instead you got this intellectual treatise on hair mousse and memory loss.  I hope you feel compensated.  


  1. Anonymous2/8/14 01:28

    Haha! Brilliant! I so relate to this. I have very clean teeth, having frequently cleaned them more than once. The joys, eh? Great post :)

    1. And there's the really really strong tea I make sometimes, having put a teabag in the cup twice.

  2. I bet you'd look great with an Elvis quiff.

    1. Now that's a good idea. Maybe I'll do that the first day of the Autumn term and distract them all from their iambic pentameters good and proper.

    2. iambic pentameters?
      sounds scary.

  3. Where's a picture of you all moussed up?

  4. Ah, now you're just being demanding.

  5. Favorite Young Man, once upon a time, had green hair that he spiked up in the air. He didn't do it with mousse. Elmer's glue gave the hair a boost. He wore a dog collar, had six earrings, and a nose ring. He was irritated when people stared as if he were rare. He looks quite nice now that he's 34.


    1. Ha ha! I once went camping and there was a group of young lads who went into the mens' washing facilities in the morning and made their hair solid with the SOAP! All the men (with normal hair) were complaining that there was no soap left. Hilarious.

  6. I think you would look stunning with that teal and purple spike 'do. it would certainly give your students something to talk about.
    LOVE the baby! Is that you?
    I rarely use mousse, once or twice in the last ten years maybe and then just scrunched it into the curls to hold them against a windy day.

    1. No, the baby's not me. Although I did have a few curls at one time. They didn't last. *sobs*

  7. The Margaret Thatcher look ?

    1. I'd rather keep my friends, thanks.


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