News about paperback version of 'Being Miss'

Some happy news about a delivery ....

No, I haven't had a baby. I know it's the time of year for that kind of miraculous conception to happen, but thankfully not to me.

The delivery was of a box of my 'Being Miss' books from the publishers.

So, if any of you Kindle-phobes have been waiting to get hold of a copy made of real paper (for £6 plus postage and packing) please pay using the Paypal 'Add to cart' button under the book cover in the sidebar.

Treat yourself to a laugh, Fran-style.


  1. Good luck with selling your book. I hope you sell thousands of copies.

  2. If I didn't ALREADY have one, you KNOW I'd order!!

  3. I am a kindle-phobe. Thank you for understanding and creating a real book. I edit on the computer. When I read, I want a book in my hands. It's easier on my poor nearly sightless eyes. How does she manage to edit? people wonder as they shake their heads at the thickness of my glasses. Perhaps I can convince Franklin to be my guide dog.


    1. You'll be pleased - the print is lovely and clear in the paperback. Thanks for your order!

  4. Cool! Did you do this via CreateSpace? I did this with my poetry collection - nothing like having a real, bound, product in your hands.

    1. Via FeedaRead, Steve. Not a bad service at all.

  5. I've already read this on my kindle so I won't buy another copy, sorry. I like the feel of real books, but on my kindle I'm able to adjust the font size if the print in any book is too small, which is very handy.

    1. The font size feature on Kindle is amazing, I agree. Please don't apologise for not buying another copy! You've already downloaded the Kindle version, and I'm very appreciative.

  6. That sounds great, Fran. Wishing you lots of success with it. I love the smell of 'real' books. That's something the Kindle can't recreate (although I must admit, I don't go anywhere without mine).

    1. I like both, I admit, but for different reasons. If I'm studying a book for schoolteaching, I like to have a hard copy to make notes in.

  7. Speaking as one who'd even rather give birth again than submit anything to an editor , I can only say " Congratulations ! "


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