Evidence that I can write on speed ... I mean, at speed

Well, that was odd. At 2.30pm yesterday, I'd just pressed 'Publish' on the blog post about an old article in the Times Educational Supplement.

Then, my email pinged. It was the TES. 'We need a light-hearted piece about the One Direction split and how teachers might deal with distraught pupils when term begins. Can you do it?'

'By when?' 'I said.

'By later this afternoon?'

Fran was so damn shocked, she went blonde, and pretty. 

Anyhow, I managed it. And here it is  It's not serious journalism. And I'm not responsible for the crazy pictures. But it was fun to write.


  1. Brilliant ! Full of useful tips ... I could have done with it when Bob the Builder was made redundant on our local TV channel .

    Mind you , last time I saw her , my big cousin was still talking about Bill Haley and His Comets ...

    1. Ha ha! Bob the Builder! Yes, today's teens know NOTHING.

  2. Shingles and extradition it is, then!

  3. I love your ten tips. I've heard of One Direction but don't really know who they are or what their hit songs are like. Ignorance is such bliss. Get those kiddies hooked on heavy metal or bring back the eighties hair bands.


    1. I don't think your life will be majorly affected by not having a deep knowledge of One Direction, Janie. Try to manage without, if possible.

    2. I'll carry on just as I am, out of it on pain pills and booze.

  4. A commission! Congratulations!

  5. It was wonderful! Although I must admit I'm a little disappointed to discover you weren't responsible for the GIFs...

    1. GIFs are not in my skill set, unfortunately ... In fact, what IS a GIF?


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