Evidence that doing crosswords could soon get really awkward

Words are so totally, like, last YEAR.

In case you missed the news, Oxford Dictionaries announced a new Word of the Year yesterday, except that what they've chosen is to the world of words what I am to the world of Paris catwalks, little black dresses and getting through train station barriers without turning a smidgen to the side.

The 'word' they have chosen is this.

It's the graphic that's been chosen. Ignore the word 'emoji' underneath it. (Why not just go ahead and ignore all words, every word, from now until you die? Everybody's doing it.)

The graphic is called the 'Face with Tears of Joy' emoji.

Here's a news article all about the winner and reasons for its choice. The piece also lists some of the words deemed not to deserve the title of 'Word of the Year'. One of them is 'refugee' but, golly, who's heard THAT recently?

Another candidate is 'they' as in the kind of they used instead of he and she when you reach that awkward 'am I about to be sexist?' moment.

The fact that they have chosen a 'Face with Tears of Joy' emoji and not a real word makes me feel like this:

This is called the 'Face with Tears of Linguistic Disappointment' emoji.

However, it could also be

1. an entry into the 'Person Most Able to Cry Perpendicular Tears' competition

2. a person's effort to wash his her their chin in a way no one else washes his her their chin

3. proof that when you are bright yellow your tears look a different colour to everyone else's

4. a reason not to have eyes shaped so long and narrow that your tears can only come out like tagliatelle

5. evidence that using too much blue eye shadow just before you watch Bambi is never a good idea

6. a reason to cut down on the blueberries

7. one way to make people feel sorry for you but not just because of the crying

8. proof that even if you have no hair, if you cry like this, you get a beard of sorts

9. an entry into Who Can Do The Best Charade For 'Cry Me A River'? competition

10. a handy way for a schoolteacher schoolteachers to demonstrate the primary colours, but only if he she they sticks stick his her their tongue tongues out while crying


  1. Is it listed under E for emoji or F for face?

    1. I think it's listed under N for NOT A WORD, fishducky.

  2. We writers are going the way of dinosaurs! Maybe I'll have to start blogging in emoji.
    FACE was a character on Nick Jr. for years. Seems disrespectful to call these little emotional clowns by that name.

    1. Andy Murray got some stick for tweeting about his wedding in emojis but I have to say, it's clever http://metro.co.uk/2015/04/11/andy-murray-predicts-entire-wedding-day-in-epic-emoji-tweet-5144999/

  3. I'm appalled too. I read one comment somewhere that said the Oxford Dictionaries people should have first looked up the word "word" before making their selection. Too true!

    1. Yes, who would've thought the word 'word' would itself be a victim of language change!

  4. Replies
    1. Me, too. Let us yawn together. *opens mouth wide for Grand Canyon yawn*

  5. An emoji in place of a real word?
    I'm gobsmacked!

    1. It's a good way of getting Oxford Dictionaries noticed though. I take my hat off to them for that!

  6. That's just stupid as my son would say but then, he would like the addition of Emoji. I'm sure there were Emogi in Starwars.

    1. I am one of those shocking people who has never watched Star Wars. Yes, there are some of us left. A lonely minority.

    2. Fran, neither have I. Is there a club for people like us? As for the emoji thing.....words (if people still use them) fail me.

  7. Reason 6 is the correct one , surely . So Foodie and 'now '.

    (Have you ever eaten two helpings of beetroot soup ? )

    1. I've never even eaten one helping. Who wants to cry purple? (Or worse ....)

  8. So basically, we're just going full-circle back to hieroglyphs. Let's hear it for progress.

  9. Fran, brilliant and funny! Yes the real, true, Dictionary Department is furious about this 'cr*p' idea some person (he or she no matter) had. It's rubbish, pants, what you will. This blog post deserves to go onTwitter where I am going to post it. (PS I hate Emojis - we once had smiley face & sad face - placed after the sentence. That should cover most things!)

    1. Thank you! And thanks for posting on Twitter. Much appreciated.

  10. You really are a scream! Thank you for lifting my spirits on a bleak, bleak day in this mad world we inhabit.


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