More evidence that spelling maters
I once saw a student misspell 'Turn of the Screw' as 'Turn of the Shrew' ... So, what else to do, but to browse one's bookshelves for other potential animal classics ...? ' Mansfield Bark' - a novel set in 18th century England countryside in which the main characters are well brought up dogs who wear bonnets, bows and dresses. These dresses reveal a not-inconsiderable portion of their chests. They live in a manor house and hold a ball for all the local, lower-class dogs, during which there is a competition to see which of the dogs has the best bark. Of course, the Mansfield dogs win, as it would not be seemly for dogs of a lower status to do so. The dogs leave the ball, but do not dare complain about the injustice until they reach the end of the two mile long driveway. Then, they all leave their calling cards just inside the tall, iron gates, even though that usually only happens between 2 and 3 in the afternoons. ' Purrsuasion' - Same s...