Evidence that I can actually appreciate Nature, even if for all the wrong reasons

I get really excited when Autumn starts. Is this because I am a lover of nature? Is it because I find that observing creation enriches my inner soul? Is it because I see, in the flaming red and orange trees, beauty which inspires my heart to leap with joy? Regular readers will know that the answer to all these questions is: by 'eck as like. (This roughly translates as 'Are you joking, because Fran is to love of nature what a vegetarian is to love of steak tartare, a rack of ribs and garlic prawns on the side') No. The reason I get really excited is that, when next door's tree is in full autumn colour, it matches my duvet cover. Here is a picture of the type of tree in next door's garden: By 'type of tree', Fran meant 'orangey red'. She hoped no one in the know would write and tell her that these species of trees don't exist in Britain. And here is a picture of some bedding which is very like mine. Our bedroom is at the b...