Evidence that circling buzzards make a woman morbid

My husband swears he's seen a buzzard circling overhead recently while we've been sitting in the garden. Not good for the self-esteem, being viewed as potential carrion. I've told my husband that every hour or so we ought to shift about a bit in our chairs, just to give the impression of continuing life. Here are ten other signs that you are in your 50s and can't pretend any longer: 1. When you bend to put your socks on, you start seeing it as an opportunity to put in plugs, dust skirting boards and pick fluff off the carpet while you're down there. 2. Other people with frown lines and recent bunion operation scars let you on the bus first. 3. When you meet long-term friends, you talk about recent visits to the doctor before you even mention the weather. 4. You view Thornton's Special Toffee - the stuff you have to break with a hammer - like you would a potential mugger. 5. When the Avon Lady comes to the door, you look down the street and say, ...