Evidence that a typo isn't always a bad thing

What if someone suggested a programme idea about education to the TV executives but it all went wrong because of a typo? Imagine what we'd end up watching. Cough, Young Teachers - a blend of a contemporary programme about education with a costume drama sub-plot in which, one by one, each of six new teachers contracts consumption, beginning with tiny little coughs in Episode 1 and ending up with them all, in Episode 6, bed-ridden with yellow eyes, but still marking books into the small hours and planning lessons for the following day's observation from senior management. Despite a temperature of 120 degrees, the choice was 'go into school' or 'plan six lessons' worth of cover and organise someone to cover two duties'. Touch Young Teachers - a cross between the Benny Hill Show and a programme about graduates on the TeachFirst programme. Whatever happens in the actual programme is irrelevant, because it all ends with six teachers dashing r...