Evidence that happiness spelled happyness, Paul McCartney and baby poo can appear in one post, though perhaps not seamlessly linked together

This is another of those posts where I have absolutely no idea what I'm about to write. I just know I ought to write one, and that's all the information I have. So, fingers to keyboard and here we go on an adventure together..... Ironies. I love ironies. Here are a few that I have noticed lately. 1. I rented a film 2 weeks ago which stars Will Smith and is called 'The Pursuit of Happyness'. The pursuit lasted a lot longer than I'd intended because the DVD broke half-way through and I had to wait two weeks for a replacement. (By the way, there's a reason for the spelling of 'happyness'. It's not just because I'm on my summer holidays from being an English teacher.) 2. I moved to the Midlands from London 4 years ago, partly because of the hot, humid summers we were having. I'm not good in heat (as the cow said to the abattoir worker). But it had been raining and cool for weeks, so I decided it was safe to take a week-long holid...