Why I was glad today to be Fran at her Street Party and not Kate at her Wedding

1. At my street party, only 43 people could have been looking at me at any one time. 2. I could just make up my words as I went along. I haven't had to practise saying, 'Hi, what number do you live at?' for weeks and weeks, worrying about whether I'd say, 'Number what live do you at, Hi? by mistake. 3. Showering myself with icing sugar when biting into a cake didn't matter so much as it would have done had I been wearing a 2011 Sarah Burton dress rather than my Bon Marche fleece bought in 1994. 4. I only had to walk out of my front door and into the road, not along fourteen miles of red carpet dragging enough material to dress all of the Chinese. 5. I didn't have four toddlers following me who could have needed a wee at any time. 6. There were no men in dresses at my event. 7. No one tried to put a ring on me, in the process finding out that I was nervous and sweaty. 8. No one got hold of my dress and lifted it up at the back. 9. It was okay...