Reasons why Fran can now work in her study again

The Boiler Man has been. If you want to know why that's even A Significant Thing, see this post from last Sunday He took out a spanner, said, 'Yeah, I know what this is,' turned a screw, and bingo! The boiler has been renamed Whisperer. I do not have words for the relief I feel. I will just offer you these comparative situations in an attempt to explain. I get the same level of relief when I .... - have eaten a bar of chocolate and when I read the calories it says '100' where I was expecting '300'. - wake up after a dream in which forty children are rioting in my classroom, lobbing doughnuts at each other and shouting 'Out, teacher, out!' - leap out of bed thinking it's a Friday and that I'm an hour late for school, then realise it's a Saturday - find a seat on the bus next to a string-thin person so that they don't have to commune with my thigh - watch a string-thin person get on the bus and take the seat not next to...