A response to a complaint from a reader which I hope will satisfy

Isabelle left a comment to say she's fed up of looking at my mould and vomit pictures on the last post and would I get on with writing about something nice, such as flowers? Some people have no taste, that's all I can say. Here I am, trying to entertain you, and all I get are complaints. I'll try, Isabelle, but I'm warning you. I am to Nature what Arsenic in your Tea is to Abundant Health. Ask anyone who knows me, 'What does Fran know about flowers?' and all you will get is uncontrollable laughter, them doubled over, and a request for a tissue so they can wipe away their tears (or worse, depending on their bladders ... No, it's OKAY. I'll stop there, as I was trying so hard to avoid body fluids). Perhaps Isabelle is right, though. It's time I tried to improve my attitude towards Nature. So, I thought I would try and educate myself by tapping 'Flowers' into Google Images, seeing what pictures came up, and trying to learn to appreci...