new beginnings

It's all about new beginnings at the moment. I have a new job, a new house, new surroundings, new neighbours. The only thing that isn't new is that I still need to sleep for approximately half an hour in the afternoons. This does cause problems when it's during Period 6 in term-time, but when I'm on my hols, as now, it's okay. I justify my nap to any family around as 'listening to my Ipod'. What actually happens is that I listen for 36 seconds before falling asleep. Today, I selected a documentary I'd downloaded about time and the way we perceive it. It began with the slow ticking of a clock and a woman saying the word 'time'. This is the point at which I sank into a deep sleep. I woke up to the closing credits ... 'That was a documentary made by Wide Awake Productions'.


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