How not to get satire published

You may have noticed that, here and there, in amongst the gravely intellectual posts I usually write, I do some less serious stuff. 'Essential Writers', a writers' blog, has published an article by me about how to write satire, or, more accurately, how not to ... Check it out if you're interested.


  1. Excellent advice. There is no one better to have written that article. You are the best!

  2. Thanks for the link. I will have a look at your article (and I am not being satirical).

  3. Excellent article! Could I request a follow-up article on How to Actually Make a Living Writing Unpublished Satire? I could use a few tips, there.

  4. Thanks, Rae. I blusheth. (Been reading Shakespeare.)

  5. Lesley - I think I could write that article, yes!

  6. Fran, Congrats on your award

  7. Oh Fran, I'm waiting for your book....

  8. Plainoldbob - award? Have I missed something?

  9. Amanda - me, too, me, too.

  10. Plainolebob - found it! Thank you, you man of TASTE, you! Love your selection.

  11. Well done- an interesting read!

  12. Thanks, Urb. And cheers for dropping by. Just read a few of your posts ... your latest one put my life very much into perspective - thanks!

  13. Thanks, Maya. Presume you'll be packing soon. Enjoy!

  14. Oh lord, this is one of your most hilarious pieces. "Faff" - what a great word! Step three is my favorite: "You're a grown up now." That sort of sums it up.

  15. Thanks Fran, that was very funny. I read it four hundred times this morning.

  16. Thanks, Mark - your comments always cheer me up. 'Faff' is definitely my favourite word of the moment. You can use it in all kinds of ways. Noun: what a load of faff. Verb: Stop faffing. Adjective: That's just faffy. Adverb: He said, faffily. (Actually, now I'm just making it up ...)

  17. Stan - ha ha. Glad you've picked up my exaggeration tip.


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