Evidence that it's never too late to learn, even if you are going grey and have saggy bits

Yay! Yay! I have learned how to create a link which isn't just the boring old URL by attending the Mark Kerstetter school of blogology and listening carefully, so thank you, Mark. The link (I did a link! I did a link!) is way, way longer than the URL itself which is the kind of irony I really, really like. If you press on this link (link! link! I did a link!) you will get to my guest blogger spot on Mark's blog on which he posts arty-farty things I barely understand but also Friday Flash pieces which I think are great. Enjoy using My very first ever link. Yay! Yay! Yay! I'm not as past it as I thought I was. (Yawn, yawn, oh my word, is that 8pm, it must be bedtime, bring me my cocoa, dear.)


  1. Are you calling Mark farty?

    Glad you figured it out. Can't wait to see what you'll link to next.

    My guess is the olive store.

  2. Arty-farty is a compliment in England, Amanda. Translated, it means, 'I wish I was that clever. How annoying.'

  3. I was there days ago, woman. What are you talking about?
    So now you've gone among the fartiliterati, have you?
    I'm surprised Mark put up with lightweight like you.

    Loved the poem, are there any more?

  4. Hi Friko - yes, I know it's been there a few days but I thought I'd wait and see whether the comments were thats-a-nice-poem! comments or so-she-thinks-she's-a-poet? comments before posting the link. Is that paranoia? I think it might be. At least, all the voices I hear say it is.

  5. Fran

    Have no fear, that was a nice poem. Congratulations on finding the missing link.

  6. We call is artsy-fartsy here in America Fran.


    I'm feeling a tad fartsy today. Not artsy. Just plain old fartsy.

  7. Fran, you truly are amazing. In Texas we would never say arty-farty because the other cowboys would shun us, or take us to a brokeback mountain, one or the other. So I'll stick with 'amazing.'

  8. I'm impressed! I've just figured on my i phone so I'm celebrating, too.
    Anna May x

  9. Amanda, what's an 's' between friends?

  10. Lesley - thanks. Please stick with 'amazing' - I'd hate to think of you being dragged off to a brokeback mountain. Does a mountain with a broke back go to an osteomountainpath?

  11. Anna May - you and I are just playing around on the boundaries of technogenius, I can tell.

  12. That link is so cool I'm going to use it again and again...

  13. I've said this before and I'll say it again.
    Leave us not forget Petomaine, the original art farter.

  14. Congratulations, Fran, on the creation of both an effective hyperlink and a very fine poem.

  15. Mark, I'm so proud of it! And it's all down to your wonderful tutelage. At least, I think that's the word I want. All of a sudden, it sounds like a big ballet skirt.

  16. I swear I won't, Lane.

  17. Thanks, Stan. All I have to do now is learn how to operate my DVD player and I'll be sorted.

  18. Anonymous3/2/10 02:21

    Beautiful poem. Love the mood shift from warm to cold; light to dark. Very effective. :)

  19. Thanks, Rachel. That's a really nice comment.


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