Evidence that I am really a true romantic

Verses in Valentine cards are just too predictable.  How about these?  No one can say they aren't different ...

I will always love you dearly, Valentine.
I will always be so glad that you are mine.
I love everything about you, in the main,
Except that Valentine is such a stupid name.

I will always love you dearly, Valentine.
I'll adore you 'til the very end of time.
Sharing all I have with you is just divine, 
But should I win the Lottery, the cash is mine.

I will always love you dearly, Valentine.
I think you're clever and intelligent and fine.
And it's a good thing that I love you for your mind.
Because the body ........

No, that would be too unkind.


  1. you mentioned neither chocolate nor olives, but, as you signed these Valentines with your own name, we know anyway who sent them.

    (If you are thinking of ever doing another Arvon course, there's one where I live. It's in a lovely old place)

  2. I think you may be embarking on a second career in handmade greetings cards quite soon.

    Verse three sort of rings a bell.

  3. Cute! I think I'll go put on some soft music, and read these to my husband ... he'll be touched, I'm sure.

  4. Hi Friko - Just for you ...

    I will always love you dearly, Valentine,
    You remind me of an olive kept in brine -
    So well preserved - and of those favourite chocs of mine,
    No, not soft-centred, dear, but nutty. Pass the wine.

  5. Martin, I will send them off to Hallmark Cards immediately and see what they say. Can I give your name as a reference?

  6. Lesley, let me know how it went. (Send me the lawyer's bills.)

  7. Oh Fran I find myself telling your stories at parties! "Someone I know rang herself and left a message and then thought it was her daughters!" etc.

    Plus, someone on my facebook announced lately that they have 'a whole day of work :)!" the of/off became very ambiguous


  8. You are the new Wendy Cope! Whoops, she might mind that, I am pretty sure she is still going strong. Love these. We ignore Valentine's day together over here. Always have. I get a bit of a shock when even Countryfile is talking about it.

  9. Hi, Billygean! Can I come to one of your parties, then you can say, 'and here she is, the idiot I've been telling you about!' I can even look like an idiot very convincingly if you want me to. At least, so I'm told ..

  10. Thanks, Elizabethm. Love Wendy Cope. But, as you say, I think she's very much alive. She writes just the kind of thing I like.

  11. Oh Valentine, you're big and sloppy and red,
    sweet too, but lest careless words need removal,
    though you're just the kind of honey to bed,
    your comments will be posted after approval.

  12. Brilliant Fran!

    May I borrow these to read to my sweetheart? He'll be naked and passed out drunk, but I'll sure enjoy reciting them.

    By the way, my mother's maiden name is Valentine...

  13. Brilliant. Get them printed in time for next year. I suspect you are on to a winner.

  14. Good one, Mark! I know, because of seeing your other poems on your blog, that there is deep, profound and intellectual meaning in there somewhere. I just know it.

  15. Amanda, let me know how your sweetheart responded. Sorry about the name thing ....

  16. Thanks, Alan. Getting right onto it. My new line in insulting Valentine cards will be out soon.

  17. Oh Fran, you never fail to make me laugh. My dear you're genius, go out and launch your own greeting cards and don't forget to market some in SL too :-)

  18. Hi Leah - You can be my Sri Lankan agent when I launch my range of 'Cards for those you want to insult' ... Good luck with selling them.

  19. Martin H is dead right. And I'm not even kidding. I'm getting a stomach ache.


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