Reasons why Being Me is going to be Was Being Me for a while

I'm now on my summer holidays from school, dear friends, and I think there are two ways these 7 weeks could go.

Option 1. I start out with the intention of chasing more agents and publishers for my books/beginning a new novel/writing some articles/trying to pitch a new column/entering some story and poetry competitions, but after 5 minutes of enthusiasm decide to blog/read blogs instead because it's just TOO DIFFICULT.  I therefore spend hours blogging and then find it's bedtime.

Option 2. I decide to have a break from the blogosphere so that I can give myself as much chance as possible of actually getting past that 'it's just too difficult' point.

I know myself too well.  So, I've decided on option 2.  You're a great bunch of followers and I hope you'll stick around so that when that I start 'Being Me' again in September or thereabouts, you'll be looking out for a seminal post about a stuffed animal or an incident on a local bus ....

(And please don't be surprised if, in September, all I've done is planned the name of a main character for a book and sent a haiku off.)




  1. Anonymous10/7/10 13:45

    Well! You will be missed :)

  2. Don't worry, we'll still be here anxiously awaiting the next blog post! Hope you have a productive yet restful holiday.

  3. Well, you'll be missed. Good luck with the writing projects. I look forward to that September post!

  4. Oh alas, but then of course you're quite right. Blogging is one of the reasons why, now that I'm sadly childless, I still haven't completed my bestseller. My mother and aunt are two of the other reasons.

    Power to your pen, o great Fran. Of course, you're not reading this, are you?

  5. linens and royals10/7/10 15:45

    Miss you already Fran, good luck with the writing, see you in September.

  6. Righty-ho. We'll see you in a few months with your glow of accomplished pride.

  7. You're just going to have to send us all a postcard upon your return. Good luck with the book.

  8. *snif*

    I'll miss you and the promise of a belly laugh whenever I come here.
    I wish you inspiration and fortitude.

  9. I'm in the same place you are. Doing some research for my second novel... though suspect that in itself is a delaying tactic. I've been aiming to start it for the last 3 months and keep missing. I can't blame the blog though - I kept that going all through my first novel and in a way it helped me write. Good luck. Roger wilco and out. Will await your return.

  10. Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments. Have already written the first three chapters. (In my head, that is ....)

  11. Have a lovely summer.
    Don't work too hard but if you do, eat plenty of chocolate in between bouts.

  12. Anonymous11/7/10 02:39

    I'll miss you. Have a great time.

    All the best, Boonsong

  13. Awwww. Missing you already. Make it happen.

    Anna May x

  14. Good luck. I think you write wonderfully so any attempt at sharing that with the wider world seems great to me. And I recognise myself in the first paragraph - just sooo distractable!
    See you soon!

  15. These comments are so nice. Thanks, all.

  16. I am bereft, two of my favorites are off for the summer.
    What am I to do?
    Let's hope no more abandon me.

  17. Am now doubly peeved ... I was looking forward to spending my summer , slouched in front of the computer , letting you entertain me .
    And YOU GET 7 WEEKS ??
    I only get six .
    Harrumph !

  18. What a brave woman you are! (Actually, I have no proof that you ARE a woman except for that dress you were wearing on the way to the bus a while back. But then, dresses aren't proof of anything even if they're strapless, are they?)

    But never mind all that. I laughed at #1 because that's exactly me. (And I don't mean Me.)

    As for #2, that could possibly never be me. Too discliplined. I will miss Miss, Me, and will be awfully glad to see her back in September.

    Although, to be perfectly honest, I'm incredibly relieved that you're taking a break because I'm running out of Miss/Me/You/Oy combos.

    Best of luck on all those fabulous ideas - the only reason you haven't been published yet is because the rest of the world doesn't yet know what we all know. You can fill in the blanks.


  19. Oh dear, I'll miss you. Hope you have a great holiday/break/rest/change or whatever you eventually decide you're going to have, and return refreshed and rearing/raring/roaring to go.

  20. We will just be a chillin' while your away. Best of luck...
    And might I suggest "Fred" I call everything male Fred. It hasn't offended anyone yet and even got me a few free drinks.

  21. Aha, Fran, you're reading these comments, aren't you? Get back to creating NOW.

    I'll buy it. Will you sign it?

  22. Your decision has my full and immediate support, Fran, which is not to say I won't miss your writing here. Just make sure you do come back after the summer break, and especially after you hit the NYT bestseller list. Good luck and have fun!

  23. Good luck! and have a great summer.

  24. Well, chaps, I've already sent an article off to the newspaper I have a column in, in the hope that they'll take it, and I've entered a competition. Yes, a writing competition, not a 'most reluctant non-blogger in the world' competition. Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and encouragement. They're good for the soul. x

  25. I totally support your decision even though I'll miss reading your ROFLOL posts. Good luck and I hope you get a LOT done!

  26. Hurry back!! Have a great summer.

  27. Anonymous14/7/10 03:05

    I just read your last comment - well done you! Fingers, toes and eyelashes crossed for you :0)

  28. Enjoy following your nose, and doing whatever turns you on. That's what summer holidays are all about!

  29. Have an excellent summer and a creative one. I, like everyone else, look forward to your return in September.

  30. I'll shall wait with anticipation for September to come around. Hope you have a productive few weeks. You can do it! Just imagine that feeling when you get to the end and you have something proper to show for the effort. Cool!

  31. Thanks, all. Your continuing comments are a very good reminder of what I promised myself I would do .......!

  32. Go ahead, get on a bus with a gigantic jar of olives.

    I'll be waiting anxiously...

  33. What? I stumble across your doorstep and find nobody home. Gone fishin'!

    I hope you have a wonderful summer, although I will be a little disappointed later if I learn that you have become extremely efficient and get all sorts of important things accomplished. Meanwhile I will sit here and toss balls for my dog until school starts in September.

  34. Knock, knock - hello? *echo* Darn.

    *pins note to door*

    Dear Fran, sorry you are not at home but I have finally sent my query into the world, can you believe that? Now I keep worrying that that what I actually sent was a lump of blank paper and a cat hair. But enough of that (quivers) I shall be here when you get back (not here on the doorstep) and hope you get tons of writing done. Yeay!

  35. Good luck, Fran. See you in the fall.

  36. Your summer sounds a little like my retirement...I always think about getting a lot done.

    We'll be here when you get back. Have a lovely summer.

  37. I'm missing you already, but I completely sympathise with your situation. Looking forward to your return to the blogosphere!

  38. Good luck, looking forward to finding out what you've bee up to in September.

  39. I understand & hope that you get an agent who is a joy to work with! :)

  40. Discivered you today, wait patiently till you come back!

  41. In the meantime I will polish my English (had no chance to correct the typing error)

  42. I just checked in to see if you'd changed your mind. I hope you're tucked in to your vacation nest working furiously on chapter 10 of the next best seller...or you're having a lovely time walking on a beach and enjoying the sunsets.


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