Evidence that a month without blogging is like a month without chocolate

Whaddya mean, what are YOU doing here?  I said I'd be back in September, and here I am................

It's not September?

So, what month is it, then?

Oh, really?  August, you say?  Like ... the VERY END of August?


Only the middle?

You mean, like. the latter half of the middle?



The 16th, you say?

Yes, I suppose that is more near the middle ...

Although, it IS one day more than the real middle, isn't it?  Because ... doesn't August only have 30 days?



Well, okay, then.  So it's not QUITE September.  But can I come back anyway?  Please?  Pretty please?  

I mean, I have worked really hard.  I said I would write, and I did.  I wrote a sitcom and found a producer who agreed to read it.  I entered some competitions.  I sent some stories to magazines.  I .... no, that's about it.

But it's more than I would have done .....


If I promise to be on my best behaviour at least trying to be good?


  1. Oh CONGRATS on the progress. sounds like you have made some real head way. WELCOME BACK! :D
    Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  2. Happy September, Fran! It's good to see you back.

  3. Anonymous16/8/10 08:34

    Welcome back! I've missed you.

    All the best, Boonsong

  4. Welcome back, Fran. You have been Miss...I mean, you were missed as Miss and missed as You. Anyway, you're here now.....

  5. Buy me a cake and I'll think about it. Chocolate please.

  6. Darling....you don't have to beg.....welcome back.....early is better.

  7. LOL glad you're back. I tried going a week without blogging once and couldn't do it.

  8. Hey congratulations, glad you're back :-)

  9. Welcome back! I suggest dividing each month in two. We're now in Augtember, which might not be September, but at least is not August.

  10. Excellent! welcome back. There has been a big hole in my blogroll (and I'm a poet but didn't know it). Glad to hear that your time away was productive!

  11. Yay! You are back. And did all that stuff too! Definitely earned a return.

  12. Anonymous16/8/10 12:36

    Yes, please come back. Some of us (facing a fatuous election) need some silly bus signs...

  13. Well impressed with your achievements - definitely a month's worth of work there... box ticked!
    Lovely to see you back again!

  14. Impressive amount of work achieved !

  15. SusanFrances17/8/10 14:10

    Good to have you back.

  16. Yeay you are back! And you did TONS! Blimey. That sitcom thing sounds well interesting - crossing fingers for you (and for all the others!)

  17. And just to clarify - when I said crossing fingers for you and all the others, I meant all your other ideas and stories, not other people that may have also entered the comps! I mean, other people are fab and everything, but I only cross fingers for blog buddies. :)


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