Evidence that the young don't find radio serials about agriculture gripping

Domestic conversation.

Youngest Daughter (washing up in kitchen and listening to strains of the The Archers tune dying out):  Nothing HAPPENED in that episode.  Nothing HAPPENED, the WHOLE episode.

Me:  Yes, it did.  There was definitely a minor plot progression. Though I forget what it was.

Father:  The farmer found out that he didn't have a tractor driver for the harvest.

Me:  Ah yes, that was it.

(Disgusted silence from kitchen, then ...)

YD:  Well, that's not exactly SOAP-worthy, is it?

'Okay, so I'm not Clooney, but I'm still a STAR, right?'

No, I am not a grandparent yet.  Although I have just had a text from The Son saying, 'She's having some interesting pains.  Will let you know if any developments.'  She's a couple of days late now, so something has to happen soon.  It's all very exciting.

Therefore, essentially, our lives are more interesting than a daily radio soap opera which has been broadcasting since broadcasting was possible.  And it's not even 'labour' yet.  Just pains.

Things haven't been quite the same in The Archers since Nigel leapt off the roof and went 'Aaaaaarrrggghhhhhhh' for a good minute or so.  They made a big mistake with that, deviating from the usual 'Ruth and David have a row about a cow' or 'They're out of John Smith's at The Bull' storyline.

I will keep you informed about The Next Episode.  And I'm talking babies.  Not Ambridge.


  1. But what about the important stuff? What about the tractor driver?!

    1. You'll have to listen to find out. I know. It's absolutely gripping, isn't it?

  2. Few things in life are more exciting than the birth of a baby.

  3. I've stopped listening to the Archers, though I might still be drawn back in. I almost stopped when Nigel aaarrrgggghhhed but then didn't quite have the strength of mind. However, with all this "dark" stuff - nah. Enough problems in my own life, what with daughter married to unemployed actor, other daughter married to chap off work with depression.... I like listening to people worrying about the diseases of sheep, which are never going to happen to me in real life. (I trust.) But enough of this!!!! Forward Grandchild!!!

    1. Someone tells me there's an editor from Eastenders editing the programme at the moment. This might explain some things.

  4. I find the year is measured out in Archers' activities. Lambing, Jill making chutney, the single wicket contest, Jill making jam, Linda's Christmas panto....and then lambing again.

    Fingers crossed for the grandchild!

    1. You're right. We could set our watches by Jill's chutney making.

  5. Ah well, I was visiting a friend in Devon recently who had the radio on a lot. One day I said, "Is this a play ?" She answered, "No, the Archers ".... and so we listened together.

  6. I don't know if you get "The Simpsons" across the pond, but I keep thinking of Bart's line, "Don't have a cow, man!"!!

    1. Yes, we do get the Simpsons. Not that I watch. I'd say that's very good advice from Bart.

  7. Thankyou . I'm now going to bed with Tumpty, Tumpty , Tumpty-Tum pogo-ing through my head . It's not my ear worm of choice .

    ( That text could only have come from a bystander ...albeit an involved one. There is nothing remotely interesting about labour pains .)

  8. Seven hours later : Tumpty , Tumpty , Tum-Tum , Tumpty , Tumpty Tumpty-Tum , Tumpty Tiddly-Tum-Tum ......

    Hope Grandson's ready to take a bow .

    1. Did you enjoy all your tumpty-tumming?! You're right - once it gets in there ...
      No sign of Grandson yet ... He needs to come tumpty-tumming into the world, if anyone does.

  9. But what about the farmer? No tractor driver! Will he go cap in hand to his vile neighbour, the one who shot his dog, to borrow a farmhand so he can get his harvest in? Will the weather hold? What if it keeps raining and ruins the crop? Has he saved the profits from the good years to cover the bad? Is it all a dream? Will he find his tractor driver in the shower? (I know, a bit weird),

    Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum dum dum dum.....

    1. If I were you, I'd write to the Archers and offer yourself as a scriptwriter. I think the tractor driver in the shower thing has something going for it. There was an infamous shower scene in the Archers once which shocked the nation. (And I don't just mean an episode of light rain.)

  10. But, what about the threats to Ruth and David's family and all the happenings there? That is the most excitement since Nigel plummeted!

    1. Nope. Plummeting Nigel is still the best they've managed.

  11. They must have been recording Nigel's scene in the maternity unit where our daughter was born. There was a definite and regular 'Aaaaaarrrggghhhhhhh' coming from down the corridor. Mind you, it wasn't exactly John Cage's 4'33 where we were, either.

    Sending best wishes. Have that 'bubbly' at the ready!


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