More things you didn't want to know about Fran's holiday experiences

We went to Worcester today.  My husband got bored wandering around the cathedral and fell asleep. So emBARRassing!

Then we went into the crypt where there was an exhibition of ancient manuscripts.  I found this early copy of a letter (below) from a young monk who used to be employed many centuries ago.  It says, 'Dear Mum.  I'm having quite a nice time, but it is cold in this basement, and as they are making us wear dresses, and there's quite a breeze when you're walking across the cathedral green, I am glad you packed my thick woollen pants.  I know I complained at the time and said they were well old-fashioned, but you were right.  They have given me a very strange pen to write out the Gospels with, and I wonder if you could send me a packet of Biros instead. Finally, if you fancy visiting, that would be great, but we have a vow of silence, and I can't promise a two-sided conversation.  What's new, hey, Ma?  (Only joking.  I miss you.  Monks can't cook - you should have tasted the goose casserole we had earlier.  I bet there's not one Jamie Oliver cookbook in this place.)
Love Ethelred.  (Oh, that's the other thing.  They changed my name.  Apparently Wayne was not acceptable.)

A picture of the monk's letter, which also demonstrates that Fran isn't sure how to
use the flash on her mobile phone's camera

After the cathedral, we found a pub to sit in.  We did the crossword and played that well-known game, 'How many clues can you get before you resort to Google?'

Then I read The Times, and this poor lady has died, aged 75.  The obituary doesn't say what she died of.  She used to be the editor of The Lady, a well-known magazine written for football hooligans well-to-do females from Shropshire villages.

I spotted something about her picture though.  Here she is, holding a copy of the magazine.  

I couldn't take a good enough close-up, but emblazoned across the front of the magazine cover is that month's main story.  It says, 'HEALTH CHECK'.

There MUST have been another picture they could have used.


  1. That can't be a recent picture of her, surely. She looks remarkably spruce for 75.

    1. I didn't even notice that! Well-spotted.

  2. Poor Wayne, made to wear a dress and have his name changed. I sigh for him. *siiiigh* I know how he feels. I've been expected to wear a dress at times, and X changed my name, which I changed back.


    1. I'm sure Wayne appreciates your sympathy. At least he knows he's amonk friends.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you for your enthusiasm. When I crack that kind of pun with my kids around, I only get the rolled eyes and the sarky comments.

  4. I do often think (to introduce a gloomy note) how weird it would be if we could know that a picture we casually had taken of ourselves would turn out to be the one used for our obituary, or - for the common mortal - on our funeral order of service. And how odd it is that our birthdays are significant to us while our deathdays are completely unknown up till the last minute.

    If she had known about the pic, I wonder if she'd have combed her hair a bit more thoroughly all those years ago?

    (Just like to add a laugh to your already very funny blog... .)

    1. You have made me very anxious about what pictures of me are hanging around the house ... I think I might go through them some time. And I have a haircut booked for Friday.

  5. Your skills as an ancient manuscript interpreter deserve recognition! Have a putty medal! LOL

    1. Thank you, Jinksy. I am overwhelmed.

  6. Well, make sure you don't have your photo taken if the hairdresser scalps you a bit and makes you look like a billiard ball. Because you never know... .

  7. I'm sure Monks make Brandy... at least they did in the 70's


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