Evidence that a typo isn't always a bad thing

What if someone suggested a programme idea about education to the TV executives but it all went wrong because of a typo?  Imagine what we'd end up watching.

Cough, Young Teachers - a blend of a contemporary programme about education with a costume drama sub-plot in which, one by one, each of six new teachers contracts consumption, beginning with tiny little coughs in Episode 1 and ending up with them all, in Episode 6, bed-ridden with yellow eyes, but still marking books into the small hours and planning lessons for the following day's observation from senior management.

Despite a temperature of 120 degrees, the choice was 'go into school' or 'plan six lessons' worth of cover
and organise someone to cover two duties'.   

Touch Young Teachers - a cross between the Benny Hill Show and a programme about graduates on the TeachFirst programme.  Whatever happens in the actual programme is irrelevant, because it all ends with six teachers dashing round the corridors followed by a rotund man with round glasses and a leer trying to pinch their bottoms, accompanied by an annoying tune that you hum for the next two days.
Just like here ...

Rough Young Teachers - a programme about education in which six people do TeachFirst, none of them having admitted to the fact that they have just been released from prison sentences for GBH, drug-running and conning grannies out of their savings.  After two weeks, discipline in the classrooms is impeccable and even Caleb is knuckling down, having decided that detentions in which one gets battered round the head with a desk are not worth messing about in class.  Michael Gove has to re-evaluate previous ideas about trainees having to have a 2.1 and a liking for pesto.

The class decided that perhaps it was best to complete the semi-colon worksheet in silence after all ....


  1. Plough, Young Teachers - early days of lecturing at an agricultural college.

    Sough, Young Teachers - Scottish NQTs sighing gustily as they enter school for another nerve-wracking day.

    Hiccough, Young Teachers - after a soothingly winey lunch at the pub to drown their sorrows.

    Enough Young Teachers - exclamation of someone bored with the telly programme.

    1. I keep telling you, stop writing comments that are funnier than the original post! Honestly, some people!

  2. I look forward to these shows ending up on Masterpiece Theater. We might forget all about Downton Abbey. Edith can't find that married man. I wonder if she'll turn up preggers.


    1. My lips are sealed ... you are obviously a few episodes behind ...

  3. I hate that semi-colon worksheet.

    1. Behind those words, I hear a cry of despair, which is mirrored in every English classroom in the country. I do my best to make it fun ... the last one I designed was all about brussels sprouts. I think sprouts are an abomination; my sister thinks so, too. My mother hides sprouts under my carrots; how can a mother do that? etc etc ...

    2. I love brussels sprouts.

  4. Benny Hill.....hahahahahahaha, best comedy ever!
    Even my dad laughed.

    1. Watching the Benny Hill show was very much part of my childhood but his form of comedy seems a little un-PC now!. When we had our son, we liked the name Benjamin, but it could have ended up Benny Hill so we avoided it. We did the same with William, Jimmy and Rolldownthe.

    2. Rolldownthe???? Ha Ha Ha Ha

  5. Rough Young Teachers strikes a warm spot in the hearts of teachers everywhere, who no matter how PC they may be, at some point have ALL smiled at a student while picturing him being lifted by his head out of the room by a long robotic arm like a prize in a seashore arcade game.
    Or was that too revealing??

  6. Dough, Young Teachers - yet another Paul Hollywood star vehicle as he teaches the basics of baking to a phalanx of Domestic Science Teacher wannabes.

  7. " Young " teachers being exactly the right term; I embarrassed my daughter at one parents' eve when I thought her geography teacher was another student showing parents where to sit ! oops

    1. Arrgggh, no! Kids just want to curl up and die when we do these things, don't they? I worked with a new teacher once who slid into the dinner queue at the front - teachers were allowed to do that - and got shouted at by a dinner lady for pushing in. She did only look about fourteen, it's true.

  8. What are you al talking about? I don't know any teacher programmes. Have I missed something good?

    1. Tough Young Teachers BBC3, Frances. It's designed to make old teachers like me feel SO good.

  9. Tough Wrong Teachers. Drama about SAS men who are mistakenly given jobs at a public school.

    1. Ha ha! Maybe they just sit in the staff room, with nothing to do, eating all the Bourbons and swapping stories about their old careers.

  10. I once wrote a sonnet where every line ended in an -ough word...trough, through, though, plough, etc. Your article is better.


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