Evidence that Fran does get the occasional invitation despite the risks

I don't get many invitations these days.  That's what happens when, at people's dinners and parties, you tell the same jokes again and again, like this one.

A customer goes into a fish and chip shop and says, 'Can I have a steak and kiddly pie, please?'

'A steak and kiddly pie?' says the shop assistant.  'Surely you mean steak and kidney?'

'But I said that, diddle I?' says the customer.

One of the reasons I love that joke is that I can use it to start off lessons about phonology (speech sounds).  It doesn't always work.  Often I say, 'Let me start the lesson by telling you this joke ..' and the students say, 'Is it the one about the steak and kiddly pie?' and I say, 'Oh, damn.  Have I already done that?' and they yawn and say, 'Yes, about fifty times.  Could you just teach us the lesson and then we can go?'

Anyway, having said I don't get many invitations, I did have one this week, and that was from an old friend and writing buddy Deborah Jenkins who writes beautiful prose on her blog StillWonderingHere.  She said could I be a guest blogger so I have sullied her lovely blog with a post about eyebrows and I suspect she didn't feel she could say, 'I was hoping for something more philosophical/thoughtful/useful.'

Here's the link  Fran on eyebrows

Watch out on my blog at some point for something from Deborah.  She writes like a dream as well as being funny and I know you'll like her.  Have a browse on her blog and see what I mean.


  1. I'm off to check out your eyebrows.

    1. You are the first person ever to say this to me. I like these 'firsts'.

  2. There's a worse place to get grey & it's not on your head!!

  3. I thought a kiddly pie was something to do with goat...

    1. Goat pie and chips. Nope. It doesn't have a ring to it.

  4. I still tell that joke. And then shake silently with laughter while everyone else stares at me uncomprehendingly.

  5. I checked out your eyebrows story, I have to tell you eyebrows don't always grey symmetrically. I've had several grey hairs in my left eyebrow, but none yet in my right eyebrow.

    1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

  6. I'm an Alistair Darling sort of person eyebrow-wise . Perhaps we could start a club .

    1. Ha ha. I did think of him while I was writing the post. He certainly is Mr Eyebrow. Very striking-looking, I think.

  7. The picture of the pie has given me a craving ...very fortunate then that I'm meeting my mother for lunch today !

    1. There's something about pie, isn't there? I make a mean homemade chicken pie but there's always left over pastry so then I make a jam tart for pudding and by the time the evening's over I've overdosed on pastry big-time and almost need an ambulance.


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