Evidence that Greek islands aren't the only places where one can have holiday romances

A sonnet in honour of Bakewell Tart ice cream, written after last week's holiday in Cornwall.

I bought you from an ice cream stall in Looe.
The day was balmy. Seagulls screeched above.
You cost me two quid which I thought was steep
until I tasted you. I fell in love.
I ate you by the harbour, looking out
at boats, and children crabbing, while my heart
expanded with a flaming passion, hot
for ice cream tasting like a Bakewell Tart.
My previous loves - vanilla, toffee fudge,
or rum and raisin - these would all, I knew,
be tossed aside, rejected, bade farewell,
in favour of the ecstasy that's you.
Since tasting you, you haunt my nights, my dreams. 
You are the crack cocaine of Looe's icecreams.

The moment Fran realised that all other loves, so far, had been inferior, and wondered how to tell her husband that she was leaving him for a dairy product.


  1. I'd like to try that. I haven't had ice cream in a long time. I suppose we don't have that flavor in the U.S. because we are an inferior lot. Some of us--not I--have even fallen in love with Donald Trump. We need a Trump ice cream that tastes like a very bad word indeed. It's something my dogs leave in the backyard because they are well behaved and smarter than a Trump.


    1. I always had the impression that the US did far more flavours of ice cream than we did. Trump ice cream, however, sounds yuk.

  2. Haha!! I LOVE the last line. Great piece of poetry Mrs :) :)

    1. Thank you! I've sent the poem to the ice cream parlour concerned. I thought they might like to read it!

  3. Replies
    1. You know me. Offer me a sweet thing and I'm anybody's.

  4. Anonymous13/4/16 16:45

    Your comment under the picture--how did your husband take it?

    1. He wasn't there to ask. He'd run away with a large steak.

  5. Bakewell Tart icecream?? I haven't heard of it before now, it isn't in Australia, that's for sure. I'll try it if I ever see it.
    My favourite is Butterscotch from our Cold Rock Ice Creamery.

    1. I make a wicked Butterscotch Sauce which we have on bananas. It's a family favourite. Great flavour.

  6. I'm pleased that you have at last found "The One". Such a shame that you must live apart. Lxx

    1. I am going to research local ice cream parlours ... And I shall set up an online dating website to match up potential partners and ice cream flavours. There's a gap in the market.

  7. .. hello Fran.... I love your blog and have been reading previous posts.. I love your style of writing. I love your sense of humour.
    Sorry it's been a while since I visited you....
    My father used to frighten my sister by saying ' Watch out for the Gunomees' ... she was terrified of them.....
    ... I will be visiting more often..

    hugs... Barb xxx

    1. I'm very grateful whenever you can visit and comment, Barbara. Thank you!

    2. .. thanks Fran .. xxxx Barb xxx

  8. When you find your stash for home you could whip up some of your wicked Butterscotch Sauce and make the pudding to die for !

  9. Oh no , so wrong . There is only Clotted Cream . Or Clotted Cream ice cream , if you must eat something really
    cold .


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