Reasons why Fran is looking to go to a silent disco ASAP

I've learned recently that silent discos are a thing. Everyone puts headphones on and dances around to tunes of their choice, as in this picture.

This is the best idea ever. SO many advantages over normal discos. I will list them. 

1. No one will ever know that you are dancing out of rhythm, even if you are to the dance floor what atrial fibrillation is to the human heart.

2. You're not reliant on a DJ choosing decent songs. It's so frustrating when they play two classic Motown numbers so that you get into your boogie, and then a song which means suspending yourself in the air for three seconds and coming down on the offbeat.

3. Everyone's dancing on their own, so there's no need for that existential angst when others seem to be dancing in pairs or with friends, and you're bobbing away unilaterally like a ship come adrift from the Armada, pretending you totally meant to be lost and lonely.

4. If you keep to silent discos at home to liven up your parties, you will stay friends with your neighbours for ever and ever Amen and they won't be able to say a Darn Thing about your overgrown pyracantha.

5. Wearing giant headphones makes anyone look at least ten years younger, so if you're suffering a mid-life crisis, or are indeed one-hundred-and-nine, it's all good.

6. No one can criticise your taste in music. You can dance to the Teletubbies theme music, Abide With Me on repeat, or Handel's Messiah, and who can comment? The fact that you're still on the dance floor when everyone else has gone home and made cocoa might be a hint that you're the Handel fan, but apart from that, what's not to like? 


It's a weird way to socialise, for sure, but these days you see groups of people sitting together, heads close together as if in deep and profound communication, but in fact all on their mobile phones, communicating with absent friends or playing games. It doesn't seem so different from that.

So, my conclusion is that I will try to get to a silent disco as soon as I can.

As soon as I have an invitation.

Which hasn't arrived.

But I'm sure it will.

I think.



  1. I think I will pass on this one. I want to throw a big bash when husband and both hit sixty in 2023 and play sixties music all night long - fancy dress would be cool too.
    ( note to self : I must try to slim down by then ! )

    1. I will be 60 just before you in 2022!

    2. Anonymous3/10/17 15:21

      I was 60 in 1994, can I come, too?

    3. This party is going to be a blast.

  2. Silent Disco sounds like my kind of thing: immersion in myself and what I like. However, I will like it even better without the other people, so perhaps I shall have a Silent Disco in my own home. I will be my guest, and one of us will invite Franklin and Penelope. Rock on!


    1. This sounds like a great plan of yours!

    2. I will be sixty in two years. *horrified face* My ex-husband liked to listen to music with ear phones. I kept telling him it was too loud because I could hear it so clearly. When he experienced hearing loss, he was so upset. I told him it would happen. That was the problem with our marriage: I knew everything, but he didn't listen to me. Maybe he couldn't hear me, or maybe he was and is stupid, but whatever the case may be, he's not my problem.

  3. Why wait for an invitation? Hold your own silent disco. Make it a "bring a plate" affair so everyone has their favourite snack as well as their favourite music. You've got one of those spinning disco lights hidden away somewhere don't you?

  4. Another advantage: less damage to the hearing. And this seems tailor-made for us introverts, for how to cope with those loud, boppy extroverts. Great idea all round. And I'll be 60 in 2025. :-)

    1. Less damage to the hearing as long as you don't whack up the volume in the way people do on buses and trains .... I often think, how can you actually bear that level of noise? If it's too loud for me, it must be frying your brain.

  5. Don't wait for an invitation....throw your own party. Here's an idea. All of us in blogger land standing at our computers wearing headphones, dancing, one can see how silly we look when we dance lol.

    1. That is such a brilliant idea. But I'll wait until the other half has gone out. I'd hate to worry him by my strange behaviour. Any more than he's already worried ...

  6. What happens when people sing along ?

    1. Hm ... that could complicate matters.

  7. Hahaha! 'Suspending yourself in the air for three seconds then coming down on the off-beat' Would actually pay to see you doing this! Am wetting myself here!! Utterly hilarious post. Chortle, chortle...

  8. the ones I've read about ... have a set soundtrack ... so yes you do 'dance with' the rest. But in silence like Trappist monks? Not my style, thanks.


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