Evidence that someone was prepared to allow Fran on a stage

It's World Poetry Day today or, as it's presented on Twitter, #WorldPoetryDay.

I never know whether these things are official. Every day is a special day on Twitter. Who's made the decisions?

WorldPoetryDay sounds like one of the more significant ones, but #WorldSproutDay, #WorldTreasuryTagDay and #WorldEyelashDay won't be far behind.

To celebrate #WorldPoetryDay, here's a video of me performing my poem 'Pickle Aisle Bride' at a comedy club night. It's deep, meaningful and profound.

That last sentence was a lie. 

Do feel free to groan, along with the audience, at the puns. It's all part of the fun.

While you watch this, I'll get busy thinking about what I'll post on #WorldSproutDay.


  1. Love it! Both the poem and your performance are marvelous!

    1. That's very kind :) I'm so glad you enjoyed this.

  2. Replies
    1. You couldn't give me a better compliment!! I'm very happy with that :)

  3. Very fun! I had to listen twice to catch all the puns, they were everywhere!!

    1. Thank you for listening! Twice! :)

  4. I'm grinning and clapping here, that was excellent! Loved all the puns. And I think you're right, supermarkets DO have aisles and could hire them out, just be prepared to have your bags checked on the way out.

  5. Very funny...you are a confident performer !

    1. Oh, don't worry - underneath that fake calm is a storm of nerves ...

  6. Perfect! but it's left me with a yearning for a pickled onion.

    1. I am pleased to have had such an effect :)

  7. Blimming marvellous ! A friend of mine used to hope to meet the love of her life in a supermarket. Perhaps had she been able to attend a supermarket aisle wedding she might have succeeded xx

  8. You say 'used to hope' so I'm assuming it didn't happen for her :(

  9. Sadly no love found in the supermarket isles was found for my friend.
    Fran, when I comment here I try to check my spelling and Grammar.. you keep me on my toes - whatever that means - so I shall go and look it up ! xx

  10. Please don't check your grammar and spelling! I only judge people in my classrooms ... not on my blog :)

  11. I have noticed that a friend uses whilst in her emails so I looked up while vs whilst, interesting x


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