Reasons why Fran will be kept busy and off the streets for the foreseeable

I have something to share with you. No, it's not cake, so you can put your hopeful face away ;)

No, it's not biscuits.

No, it's not cheesecake.

No, it's not sherry trifle.

No, it's not a bag of chips.

It's NOT food. Honestly, does no one feed you lot?

Keep thinking ....

No, it's NOT a lottery win. More's the pity.

No, it's not a wise thought. I mean, since when ....?

No, what I have to share is a bit of recent news.

As you know, I am a very modest, self-effacing individual, so I will say it quietly ....

I am going to be a Proper Published Author!! 

Yes, it's true. Someone has actually agreed to take something I've written and turn it into a Thing One Can Put on a Shelf. (After reading it, of course.)

As you know, this will be my second book. The first one, 'Being Miss', I published myself on Kindle and in paperback. If you've read it, I hope you enjoyed it :)

So, the details about the next one. The kind publisher is SPCK and the book will be called 'Miss, What Does Incomprehensible Mean?' It'll be a memoir in diary form - think Bridget Jones crossed with Adrian Mole crossed with Gervase Phinn crossed with every harassed teacher you've ever known -  and will cover a year in the teaching calendar.

There's one slight hitch. I've only written the first two weeks' worth of diaries and now I have to write the rest. So, it'll be published some time in 2020.

If you've got to this point and you're now thinking, I'd much rather it had been cake or a bag of chips, I do apologise!

Better get writing ....

Fran was determined to get on with the book, as soon as she could extract the quill which was firmly stuck between two of her teeth and had been for a number of hours


  1. This is fantastic news...far better than food and drink (okay, maybe that's a stretch) no seriously....this IS fantastic and congratulaltions to you.

    1. Thanks so much, OSC! Yes, it probably is a stretch, depending on what food and drink it is. A ham sandwich and a glass of juice, you can keep. A Chinese banquet and copious wine ... hm ....

  2. That's wonderful news! Congrats! Now get to work, you!

  3. Wild congratulations! Richly deserved, too.

  4. Way to go, Fran!!

  5. That's great news, but I'd like the cake, too. Please.


    1. I'll see what I can arrange, Janie. Thanks!

  6. That is wonderful, and probably a bit overwhelming, so - Go, You!! Congratulations :)

    Not even a tiny portion of cheesecake, though? Sigh.

    1. So overwhelming that cheesecake is probably a must, just to calm me down :)

  7. Just the best news ever. Can't wait for this. Who needs cake? Xx

    1. We need cake AND books! Preferably together. xx

  8. Fab news, we can eat cake and crack open a bottle with you when it's done !

    1. I am writing the invitations right now :)

  9. Oh Congratulations! I hope it sells well. and thanks for reminding me I need to knuckle down on my own writings, which may never ever get published, or even finished.

    1. Thank you, River. Yes, do knuckle down. You never know!! If I can do it, you can do it.

  10. Great news (have I already said that?) and you've introduced me to Gervase Phinn. A new name to me.

    1. Thanks, Martin! And I hope you enjoy Gervase Phinn. He's kind of the James Herriot of the school inspectorate's world.

  11. Great news, Fran. I look forward to the book!

    1. That's kind of you - thank you! I look forward to hearing what you think of it when it eventually hits the shelves :)


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