Evidence from your kitchen that you are not as young as you were

1. You remember when scrambled eggs were cooked in saucepans. 

2. You're not alarmed by one of these. 

3. You own a ceramic mixing bowl the size of a canyon.  

4. You feel fleeting remorse over bought pastry.

5. To you, a large apron is something you wear for baking, not an overhanging belly. 

6. You have a book in which you have written recipes. Some pages are stained with syrup or oil. 

7. You do own a bendy silicone muffin tin but you're suspicious of it. 

8. You have cinnamon sticks in a jar but have yet to google 'What to do with cinnamon sticks'. 

9. You've claimed you had a spiraliser as a child but found you were wrong ....


10. You've had a favourite knife since 1993 and still use it even though you have new ones. 

11. When you make crumbles, you always say, 'This is how we did it in Domestic Science.' 

12. You know about not slamming an oven door when there's a Victoria sponge in there. 

13. You measure in ounces and if the recipe uses 'cups' you feel uneasy. 

14. You know what a beef cobbler is although you haven't made one in a while.  

15. You call all plastic containers Tupperware. 


  1. Replies
    1. I should have devised a scoring system. 10/15 would be 'a little worn' but not 'ancient'. 15 is ancient.

    2. I've never made the cobbler and wouldn't know where to start, but all the others apply and I'm not so old... The one thing I would add, which is probably a personal thing, but I do have an ancient mixing bowl (that I don't use, but keep for sentimental reasons) that is stained deep yellow from using friars balsam when I was a child. That makes me sound positively archaic!

  2. 12/15 with favourite wooden spoon since 1975 to substitute for knife... at no.10

    1. Ah yes, the favourite wooden spoon! That's another one I missed.

  3. I still make scrambled eggs in a pan!

    1. You are a proper person.

    2. You too may have a Proper Person badge. It's in the post.

    3. How are scrambled eggs made if not in a pan?

  4. 10/15. Is there another way to make scrambled eggs? I think not!

    1. I believe some people use microwaves but the risk is that you end up with eggs you have to slice.

  5. Haha. So true, especially Nos 7,10 and 13. Wonderful nostalgic post 😊

    1. Thanks, pal! I identify very strongly with 13, too. Cups - ugh.

  6. It was Home Economics in my day!

    1. Now it's Food Technology, I believe, which sounds stripped of all joy.

  7. Silicone bakeware is just WRONG!! ha ha
    Yep, I'm old too :)

  8. I'm not at all alarmed by that can opener and remember being quite adept at using one, although I don't have one now. I have never cooked scrambled eggs in a saucepan, always a frying pan and I do have a favourite knife, but sometimes use the others. I no longer have a giant mixing bowl and NEVER had a ceramic one, mine was stainless steel, which collected a few dents along the way, but never broke like a ceramic one might have.

    1. Stainless steel doesn't have the Mrs Beeton vibe about it that ceramic does, I have to say.

  9. I am ancient, but only 1 and 6 apply to me. My Joy of Cooking book almost seems like a health hazard with all the food stains, but the info in it is priceless.

    1. I have the 'Dairy Book of Home Cookery' and it's just the same!

  10. Replies
    1. I want to say 'Well done!' but maybe that's not what you want to hear!

  11. I'm really disappointed that this list doesn't include a proper lemon squeezer, the pressure cooker [or the Spong Mincer - - how else does one make the mince for the Beef Cobbler?] My Mason Cash Bowl was out again at the weekend when I made the Christmas Cake. If I am this old, why won't the Government give me my pension yet?

    1. But ... but ... what do people do with lemons instead, then?

    2. They do the cheffy thing where you cut the lemon in half and squeeze with one hand, over the other - the juice runs through your fingers and you catch the pips in your palm. I can't do that efficiently!

    3. What is this new obsession with hands? Honestly!

  12. Yes to all except for 11 say 'how my mum made it' - never made one in domestic science, but did learn how to cut tomatoes and radishes into fancy shapes.
    Still have a Spirograph.

    1. The radishes in fancy shapes! Those domestic science lessons really taught us the essentials!

  13. Ok, I have to ask the question: how do other people cook scrambled eggs??

  14. I only got 8. In my defence, we didn't do Domestic Science at school...we did Needlework. Reverend Mother thought it was more suitable ... than what I, I don't know.
    But I do definitely recognise the tin opener, there's one at the bottom of the tool box, I think.

  15. Hmm. 9 for me. I always make scrambled eggs in a saucepan! And cups are just wrong.


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