Evidence that Fran is acquiring technical skills

Happy Christmas, lovely followers! I know it's not been the year any of us would have ordered (had we been asked) but here and there I have tried to offer humour, cheer and a moment's distraction. Thanks so much for being around, for reading, and for your super comments which I love until they are funnier than my own. 

I hope you are able to spend some time, however limited, with family or friends. Our plans were disrupted but we're still able to see one set of family so, counting our blessings! 

I've been adding videos to my Youtube channel and these two are Christmas-themed, so I offer them here for your entertainment over the holiday. The first is a poem, the second a song. Take your pick or enjoy both :) 

See you in 2021 😊


  1. The guitarist is camera shy? I am sure the angel would like him to take a curtain call ...

    1. Ah, that would have been more complicated because of Covid - he's in one house and I'm in another, so he just did a backing track for me.

  2. I LOVE your Faded Angel song, did you make that up? I love the angel too.
    Merry Christmas.

    1. Yes, River, I did - it's an original song. I'm so glad you liked it!

  3. Fantastic! Love this - really well done. Alex is now humming the tune endlessly though :( Like the new kitchen too!
    Hope you had a good Christmas.

    1. Thank you! If it becomes an earworm, it's done its job!

  4. I loved both. I also have that angel beside you - bought from Traidcraft or something many years ago! Well done and Happy New Year when it comes.

    1. Traidcraft - you're probably right! And that must have been years ago we bought that, so no wonder she's crushed! Thanks for watching, Pam, and Happy New Year to you also :)

  5. Somehow a faded angel is just so 2020 that she should be delighted....
    Best Wishes for a splendid 2021!

    1. Yes, I think this was her year! Thanks so much, S & S, and a happy and peaceful 2021 to you, too. Thank you for following and for your regular comments. Much appreciated!


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